What I love about this one is how it manages to have so many layers of absurdity in such a simple photo and caption. The idea of a talking cat is funny enough. So is the idea of a talking cat using a computer. But a talking cat which uses a computer poorly, and through said poor use of computer inadvertently creates an advertisement which is published in a newspaper, with that advertisement featuring a photo of the cat himself, and the cat lamenting at his technical incompetence, and that lament somehow appearing retroactively and paradoxically in the advertisement itself in the form of text? Truly some hilarious ****.
jc's thesis on the newspaper ad is greatness, and props to theropod for noticing Hitler Cat in the yard.
But "It's Aggy, get in the car"....I literally nearly fell out of my chair laughing so hard.
Anyway, I just now saw this thread, so there are lot of Red X's already, I hope I'm not posting stuff that people already saw but has since been X'ed out of existence.