Yes, it's written by Ezra Klein's who's the stereotypical smug liberal, but this
article explains the GOP's meltdown pretty well. It also explains how all three of the top GOP leaders (Trump, Ryan, and McConnell) failed. And though it doesn't come right out and predict single payer like I do, so I can't call it a "validate Deez" article, but it sets up the politics for it well.
What's very clear to me is that while the GOP leadership has always had some healthcare reform plans in their tool shed (and some of them pretty good), they never had the confidence or ability to sell any of them even to their own membership, much less to the general public. That's why the bills offered this year haven't been free market-oriented bills but instead have essentially been half-assed versions of Obamacare, which is why I'm not sad about the beat-down in the Senate.
I think a lot of that is due to what I mentioned earlier - a large segment of the GOP voting bloc simply isn't willing to trust the free market when it comes to healthcare. They prefer government dependency. They don't like Obamacare mostly because they didn't like Obama, not because they had a substantive policy disagreement with the law. Ironically, some of them are even some of the "winners" under Obamacare (previously uninsurable or now on Medicaid, etc.).
Because a lot of these dependent voters are now an indispensable part of the GOP's coalition (which they can't afford to lose), that basically dooms any kind of free market approach. That leaves the GOP with having to go with something that still mostly preserves government guarantees but making enough changes to claim they've repealed Obamacare.
It's a mess, and this is why I still think a full-blown national healthcare system (single payer or public option (like what they have here in Germany) is on its way. It's just a matter of whether it'll be on the GOP's terms (meaning it'll give the insurance industry a "severance package" of some kind) or the Democrats' terms (funds every kind of depraved procedure to appease abortionistas and trannies).