
My power went out at 2am (& generator refused to crank)
Just got it back on now
I got a little water inside, had to pull some carpet
Water was higher than Ike, above the sidewalks, but not inside houses (generally)
Tree down blocked my road -- uprooted with zero wind -- made the weirdest noise -- no cracks or bams -- just an extended whoosh
Since I have a chain saw, I been out cutting all day
All in all, we've been very lucky
I just did a quick walk-around here on Lake Conroe. Houses on the water have some damage beyond the decks and docks, but mostly because of waves that tossed debris against windows.

Somehow, we never lost power or electricity. Neighbors a few houses down and on the water were surprised that there A/C unit kept working even with the amount of water around it. They also reported a few sunk boats and many pontoon boats with substantial damage from being tossed around on their moorings.

And, on the boat front, another lakefront neighbor has an extra pontoon boat that was deposited in his yard.
D and JF...any change to your water situation? Some of the aerial footage this evening looked grim, although the Lindner presser seemed to suggest no real change from the reservoir releases.
D and JF...any change to your water situation? Some of the aerial footage this evening looked grim, although the Lindner presser seemed to suggest no real change from the reservoir releases.

My issues are minor compared to other people, but yes, it now looks like I will need to replace two rooms of carpet and possibly one wall of sheetrock. I pulled it up and the pads, but it's still taking its time to dry.

I have drainage in the back, but the pipes backed up due to the high pressure. The street water was up to the house-side of the sidewalk. The storm sewers stopped draining. Happened twice (Sat and Sunday nights). And, of course, always in the middle of night, when its pitch black out.

Kind of you to ask.
We have been very fortunate with no flooding or damage to the house at all (north Katy). The water came creeping up Sunday night and got close to the porch, then the rains let up a bit and it receded. By Monday morning there was no standing water in the street.

Somebody’s cat (!) showed up at our front door Friday and wouldn’t leave, so we made a box bed for her in the garage and got her some food, she rode the storm out in there and did fine. I hope she finds her way home now because I don’t need another pet.
Glad to hear on y'all situation...if you need anything, let me know...

I made it out to the office today. Out of curiosity, I took a look at new filings on the District Clerk's website. Because of server problems that the DA's had, images are not yet available. But the looters are pretty easy to discern...they are the ones that had filings with an immediate motion for high bail and a bond amount of anywhere from $100K to no bond.

Drilling deeper, it was often trash moving from one part of town to another, for example from Humble and being arrested by Baytown PD.

I dare opine that Dallas and any other place that the evacuees are relocated to is going to wind up with a lot of the Katrina trash that has plagued Houston over the past decade. I expect a substantial increase in Dallas crime rates during the next six months to a year. And I mention Dallas simply because that is the largest city being mentioned for housing those that have no other immediate resources.
....I dare opine that Dallas and any other place that the evacuees are relocated to is going to wind up with a lot of the Katrina trash that has plagued Houston over the past decade. I expect a substantial increase in Dallas crime rates during the next six months to a year. And I mention Dallas simply because that is the largest city being mentioned for housing those that have no other immediate resources.

It is somewhat ironic that, thanks to Katrina, we have an entire class of professional hurricane looters

I am a proponent of the same punishment system for them as I am the big game poachers in Africa ......
I am a proponent of the same punishment system for them as I am the big game poachers in Africa ......

I am ALL for a modification of the "Hugs for Thugs" program...I'll even help supply the shotgun shells to make it "Slugs for Thugs."

I have ZERO qualms with looters being shot dead on sight even if it means the total death toll shows an increase. Too many of these incidents were not people looking for food. The CVS that got broken into saw them take cartons of cigarettes and cash registers. The Cash America that got broken into saw guns stolen. These are NOT incidents of breaking in for survival. These are predatory pieces of crap being predatory.
I should have been starting it once or twice a yea

Your frequency would have to be greater than that. I’ve had contamination issues in as little as a month, and Erath county is much more arid than the coast. The only thing you can do is become SITHLIKE in all efforts to keep ethanol out of the little motors.

My protocol is ... ETHANOL FREE FUEL ... always. But, just in case I get a batch which has ethanol in it ... at the task-complete/tabled point, I’ll DUMP all the fuel in the tank onto the ground. Then I’ll crank the engine and run it to a flame out. Crank it again if it will ... then spray a few shots (capacity dependent) of WD-40 into the fuel tank/line ... a couple of cranks ... then store it. Not environmentally friendly, but I’ve never had a contaminated carberurator ever since.

Sorry for the thread creep ... glad y’all are ok from that disaster.
I have gas stabilizer I use Sea Foam (imo better than Sta-bil)
But, this time, I just ran all the gas out. Then drained it
You have a better idea?
Well ,this guys technique is a little crude. I grabbed the wrong link .

I have a clear/opaque 10 gallon barrel with a petcock at the bottom. Pour the 5 gallons of gas/ethanol into the 10 gallon barrel. Add about 10% of that volume in water. Agitate. (I’m a good agitator! :p ) Let it sit (usually overnight as 5 gallons of separation takes longer than I have to watch it) ... then the next morning, drain the water and ethanol out (onto the ground) ... then the gas can catches the “all gas” ... oh, the catch can remains open and inverted during the separation period so that any residual ethanol gas drains/evaporates!

Like I say, it takes a little doing ... but it’s not hard.

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