DAY 31
I know I haven't posted any updates for a while. It's been a rough couple of weeks, with Hannah's progress very up and down to say the least. She's had fevers (103.4), infections, swelling, lack of bowl function, rashes from reactions to medications, and she even threw up stomach fluid which she aspirated into her lungs. Her motor functions have been sporadic, at best, and we were told a week ago that the likelihood of her making any further progress in that area was not very good. We were facing an impossible decision of taking her off the ventilator and letting her go. Although the doctors can't make that decision for us, the things they were telling us indicated they thought letting her go was the best course of action. Her mom and I have been very upset, to say the least.
We decided we wanted to give her another week before we made a decision and have been closely monitoring her for any changes, no matter how slight. There have been some sporadic head and hand movements but none which really seemed "purposeful". Our week was up yesterday and we had a care conference with all of her doctors, fully expecting more bad news; expecting to have to finally make the impossible decision which we had been putting off for so long. Imagine our suprise when the neurologist told us that he believes that she has "potential for further improvement." As he explained, Hannah's injury essentially caused her brain to shut down and he feels we need to give her more time to "flip the switch back into the 'on' position."
He cautioned us that this could be a very gradual process and that there was still the possibility that her recovery has already progressed as far as it is going to. He seems to think this is about a 50/50 situation. We'll take every bit of that. It's way more than what we expected to hear.
With this information, we've decided to go ahead and move forward like we had planned. She will undergo surgery this week for a tracheostamy to get her off the ventilator, and they'll also do a G-tube to feed her directly into her stomach. This will allow us to move her around a little more, get her sitting up, and hopefully begin rehab soon. We're still a long way from where we want to be and we do understand that we're not out of the woods yet, but her mom and I have an entirely new outlook now which we really needed.
Thank you all again for your prayers, support, and words of encouragement. Don't know what we would do without it right now.
God bless,
Craig Howell