Hamilton Pool


100+ Posts
Where is Hamilton Pool? Is it outside of Austin? I'm going there with some people to take photos and just wondering where it is, etc. What time is the best to go when it is not so crowded?

i wouldn't say LANCE destroyed it...
the contractor f'd things up by not following the law. i think it's a terrible and unfortunate outcome that lance would've never intended to have happened.

i hope he does more to correct the problem, but the neighbor demanding it immediately are being ridiculous. you have to be careful removing that sediment to save the value of what life in that pond still exists.
Agreed w/ GOO; IMO Lance is trying to do the best he can in a delicately bad situation.

It really sux when it comes down to battle of the Public Relations all - stars.

I can see where Lance is trying to stop the bloodshed with regards to his bank account. There's a good possibility that he's got a contractor that doesn't have the funds to fix what he fuqed up.

As for Hamilton Pool, be sure to avoid it within a day or two of any kind of rain. The bacteria levels are unhealthy & they close the pool (possibly keeping open access to other areas, but I don't know for sure).

There is a "Dead Man's Hole" out near the Perdenales River where it crosses Hamilton Pool Road... that's the vicinity of where Lance lives... I think (not sure) that Lance's place is a bit past Hamilton Pool.

I am not aware of any with the same name in Burnet, unless you are thinking of Devil's Hollow on the Colorado River?
