I have a new favorite. Hoover's. It's semi-blasphemous to go to a place like Hoover's and order a burger, but if a burger is what you want, give it a try. You won't be disappointed. I had one at the San Antonio location tonight, and it is easily one of the best restaurant burgers I have ever had. They grill the 1/2 pound patty to order, which beats a fried burger any day of the week. Ample fixins. I ordered mine with bacon, which they chop, and cheddar, which is melted on while the patty is still cooking.
In a word, awesome.
My only complaint is that the Dr. Pepper at Hoover's isn't really Dr. Pepper. I don't know if it is Pibb, or some other Pepper wannabe, but I wish they'd tell you that they don't have the real thing. I like a real Dr. Pepper with my burger, but I may have to settle for something else.