
I am pretty sure that the guy who owns and runs Players on MLK runs the concessions at Lyons golf course. I know that he runs concessions at several of the courses around town.
Try Casbeer's across the street (Blanco Rd. just North of downtown) from Chris Madrid's in San Antonio. Without a doubt the best two burger joints within walking distance of eachother in the world.
austin's best is the crown (IMHO). the best in SA are chris madrid & chesters. chris madrid's is the best i have ever had.

i was at longhorn cafe a couple of weeks ago and that was really good but i prefer those other 2.

i live in austin but go to SA to visit family all the time. i am waiting for chris madrids to move up here....

I have a new favorite. Hoover's. It's semi-blasphemous to go to a place like Hoover's and order a burger, but if a burger is what you want, give it a try. You won't be disappointed. I had one at the San Antonio location tonight, and it is easily one of the best restaurant burgers I have ever had. They grill the 1/2 pound patty to order, which beats a fried burger any day of the week. Ample fixins. I ordered mine with bacon, which they chop, and cheddar, which is melted on while the patty is still cooking.

In a word, awesome.

My only complaint is that the Dr. Pepper at Hoover's isn't really Dr. Pepper. I don't know if it is Pibb, or some other Pepper wannabe, but I wish they'd tell you that they don't have the real thing. I like a real Dr. Pepper with my burger, but I may have to settle for something else.
I just picked up some burgers at Wally's on Mesa last night. I'm not going to call them the best in town, but they were very tasty and convenient to my house.
Do yourself a favor when driving through Giddings on your way to Austin/Houston and stop at Mays. It's located on the west end of town on 290 right next to R&C monuments. Looks a little sketchy on the inside, but it's the best hamburger you will ever put in your mouth.
Mike's Pub isn't getting near enough mention on this thread. True, it is a "thin" burger, but just double the damn thing up and you are in heaven. Great stuff.

I heard that the Four Seasons will prepare a burger that will knock your socks off, but it's not on the menu. Then again, part of the alure of a great burger is having the right type of atmosphere, and I don't think the Four Seasons can deliver on that end.
i love mike's pub, growing up whenever i had a day off from school my dad would take off work to take me down there. of course, now they're open on saturdays. the bugers are good, i like the way they grill the buns, and their fries are awesome.
Hut's---pretty good, not great, not bad, terrific prices, though

Dan's/Fran's--overrated joint. no taste. ambience/service absent as well

Sandy's--good 'dogs, shakes, 'floats. unfortunately have not had burgers.

I think one place that gets no mention from any publication (austin360,etc) is Burger Tex around 29th and Guadalupe... really good burger without all the pretense
i just don't understand hut's, i've been several times, it's always crowded, and the burgers just aren't that great. i just don't see it.
The two pound burger was at Little Hip's, which closed when the owner retired and didn't want to sell his restauraunt out.
Houston - Lankford's Grocery is the best I have had
Longview- Butcher shop is good, but Jucy's is better IMO
Austin - I like the Hut's buffalo burger
there is a hoovers in SA? where?

per players, i ate there numerous times when i lived in jester. i didn't see much of a difference between the players burger & the jester burgers. that isn't a compliment. that said, i don't mind going there. it's cheap and near the erwin center. better food than scholz too.

does anybody remember Willies in Austin?It was right across the street from Westlake High School. Too bad it shut down a long time ago. That place was really good.
That's right - there was a Willie's out by the Wyndham Southpark and the Southpark movie theater. You'd see the same kids at Willie's in Westlake after school that you saw at Willie's out by the movie theater on the weekends.
i eat a burger at ruths chris every wednesday night, they are the best without a doubt, plus they'll park your care foryou, great service
I 2nd Langford's Grocery in Houston...damn fine burger.