I get where you're coming from, but politics really shouldn't have anything to do with the Martin case. Reaching the acquittal position on that case really was a matter of simply reading a jury charge and applying it to the evidence presented. Am I saying that all conservatives looked at that case pragmatically and made up their minds? No. Many on both sides had their minds made up long before the evidence was really known. However, once it was known, this was as no-brainer.
For example, I'm friends with a civil rights lawyer in Austin. He's a very liberal guy and represents almost exclusively black clients. He routinely sues big employers for discrimination, sues police departments, etc. If anyone should be pro-Trayvon and echoing Roger's sentiments, it's him. Not so. He thought the case against Zimmerman was total BS, not because he's hostile to blacks, pro-gun, or pro-cop. The opposite is true. He's just smart enough to look at evidence. It was truly just a matter of simple logic for him.