Gun nuts' hero zimmerman arrested

If I had been on a jury I would have voted to acquitt Zimmerman. That said, a continuing pattern of bullying behavior with a gun at it's centerpiece is troubling. I'm sure lots of innocent guys are accused of bad stuff by bad women. But I'm worried that Zimmerman lacks habitual good judgement. I don't have any problem with responsible gun ownership. Knucklehead gun ownership causes lots of problems.
I hope this latest incident does lead to some help for Me. Zimmerman
he clearly makes really bad decisions and has really poor judgment BUT in this latest case IF this story from an Orlando TV station is true he might have been set up by the female so she could cash in
" Scheibe and her mother, Hope Mason, spoke with Local 6 on and off through text messages and phone calls over the past three weeks as they talked about participating in an on camera interview about Scheibe’s relationship with Zimmerman."
much more at link'The Link
If you will all quit feeding the troll (and pathetically stupid 35,) he might go away. Satchel did, and so did that high school kid. Although 35 could be either of them posting under a new name. Regardless, let's encourage him to move on to another site. Surely has one, and he would fit right in.
Its funny to hear liberals try to characterize Zimmerman as "gun nuts hero". So far I have not heard anyone celebrate Zimmerman. I have however heard many liberals try to make a martyr of that racist punk loser Trayvon. Regardless of how big a POS Zimmerman is, Trayvon was the person most responsible for his own death. Get over it.
[quote  I have however heard many liberals try to make a martyr of that racist punk loser Trayvon. Regardless of how big a POS Zimmerman is, Trayvon was the person most responsible for his own death. Get over it.

The problem with this case is that there's no way to know, but there are/were a lot of indicators - physical evidence, witnesses, testimony, etc... - that indicate that zimmerman did not in fact stalk and kill someone in cold blood.

roger knows this because he's followed the trial and no doubt read the accounts scouring them for anything on which to hang his argument. He can't find it so he resorts to the old "if you thought zimmerman didn't do this because he wanted to go kill a black kid, then you're obviously a right wing gun nut racist" argument.

Thinking that someone has been railroaded because the media ran with flat-out false information, used outdated photos to make Martin look more innocent and helpless and then labeled anyone who wanted to actually look at the evidence as racist does not mean you think he's a hero. Feel free to dig up all the texags links to people who say otherwise all you want... that just means that's how they feel. A few individuals on a board are no more indicative of a group's collective thought process than roger's rantings are of a typical liberal.
I think Zimmerman behaved stuipdly, violating all rules of Neighborhood Watch Volunteer, follow in a vehicle and on foot somebody who could justifiably have been angered or frightened by the attention.

But Trayvon beat the crap out of Zimmerman and took on the inherent risks of violent confrontation in an armed society. I believe Zimmerman acted stupidly getting himself into the confrontation, but was justified in blasting his way out of it. Nobody is a hero here, but neither is there call to put someone in prison and label him a felon.
Naw, he just left out the juicy, nasty, & scary part where George was tackled then assaulted by having his head bashed into the concrete sidewalk.

I get where you're coming from, but politics really shouldn't have anything to do with the Martin case. Reaching the acquittal position on that case really was a matter of simply reading a jury charge and applying it to the evidence presented. Am I saying that all conservatives looked at that case pragmatically and made up their minds? No. Many on both sides had their minds made up long before the evidence was really known. However, once it was known, this was as no-brainer.

For example, I'm friends with a civil rights lawyer in Austin. He's a very liberal guy and represents almost exclusively black clients. He routinely sues big employers for discrimination, sues police departments, etc. If anyone should be pro-Trayvon and echoing Roger's sentiments, it's him. Not so. He thought the case against Zimmerman was total BS, not because he's hostile to blacks, pro-gun, or pro-cop. The opposite is true. He's just smart enough to look at evidence. It was truly just a matter of simple logic for him.
Mr. Deez, agree with your comment on the Martin case. My response was simply a broadside back at Roger35 for his ranting generality.

And I am proud that my sons (and now my grandchildren) are becoming dedicated to the principles of limited government - something Roger35 total detests!

It's same mantra of women who have recanted their initial accusations who have been beaten, verbally assaulted, & mentally abused who have come to the point not to see their man go to jail.
This guy could be discovered to be a pedophile ax murderer, but it will never change the evidence that he was defending himself against a violent attack and the shooting was justified. This whole "zimmerman watch" stuff is pathetic.

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