Today many do not understand the magnitude of the UT victory over ND in that 1970 CB game. ND was the utopia or zenith to many in college football, the sports media and college football fans coming out of the 60's. Many "sports experts" thought there was no way UT and their tricked up Wishbone could beat Ara Parsehgians large and talented Irish.
I was a mere lad of 16 at that MNC game on Jan. 1, 1970 with my UT grad Dad. Those UT players were like VY today... bigger than life. It is easy to remember their names...and what a team.... Dale, Worster, Street, Koy, Bertelsen, McKay, Halsell, Henderson, Spreyer, Peschell, Wuensch, Zapalac, Atessis, Wiegand, 205 lbs. OG Mike Dean (who mostly held his own against 280 lbs. goliath ND tackle Mike McCoy), Ploetz, Stout, Campbell, Happy Feller and the late Danny Lester and Fred Steinmark.
As for the Crossbuck play, it was basically a simple misdirection play out of the Wishbone. When the other team keyed on a player or you wanted to create some misdirection, you get the D to think you are going one direction - fake it - and give the ball to a back going the opposite direction, as the Horns did vs. ND... UT executed it so well on that play that Dale went in untouched for the winning TD.
Steve Worster was voted the CB Offensive MVP with 20 carries for 155 yards of tough rushing against one of the biggest DL's in the country. One of my favorite Worster plays came from this game, where he is hit 7 or 8 times and drags a pile of ND players approx. 8-10 yards - I have it on a game highlights DVD a friend recorded for me.
The post-game celebration was as real / vivid, loud and as vital to UT football history as the 2006 RB victory over USC was.
Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.........