Guess who has jurisdiction of Imran Awan?

re: DWS

"Just spoke to I m r a n, call me whenever GB and I'll update you,
d o n ' t
d e l e t e
a n y t h i n g
y e t."

Looks like no one on DWS' staff had her P/W
Only Imran Awan
Dems still complain about Russians hacking their servers, but it was them who gave the Pakistanis the keys to their network

"Federal authorities are investigating whether sensitive data was stolen from congressional offices by several Pakistani-American tech staffers and sold to Pakistani or Russian intelligence, knowledgeable sources say.

What started out 16 months ago as a scandal involving the alleged theft of computer equipment from Congress has turned into a national security investigation involving FBI surveillance of the suspects.

Investigators now suspect that sensitive US government data — possibly including classified information — could have been compromised and may have been sold to hostile foreign governments that could use it to blackmail members of Congress or even put their lives at risk.

This is a massive, massive scandal,” a senior US official familiar with the widening probe told The Post...."
So it looks like an Obama-appointed judge let Imran Awan off with no jail time, noting poor Imran had “suffered enough”

In July, he plead guilty to a false statement he made on a loan application. One of the things that has Manafort facing 8000 years in prison

If you remember the game of Monopoly there was a card you could hang onto called "Get Out of Jail Free." But only Democrats get this card in real life.


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