Great meal at Chik-Fil-A


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Those "tolerant" liberal jackasses.

Enjoyed a nice lunch at Chik-Fil-A today. Did not observe any discrimination or refusal of service to anyone. Perhaps I wasn't there long enough. How dare the company president to have the audacity to actually make the statement that he feels gay marriage is wrong. Where does he have the right to spew such "hate speech." The gay agenda has been crammed down our throats and we should fully embrace it. Anything less is comparable to the kkk bigots of years past. Why, don't you know that any mention of the disapproval of the gay lifestyle equates bigotry and homophophia? We are bound by morals, ehtics, and inclusiveness to welcome with open arms the idea that same sex marriage is as ligitimate as the marraige between a man and woman. If your religious beliefs don't aren't in line with that philosophy - fine. Just don't express it verbally. If you do, you are a backward caveman who is full of hatred toward those who choose to practice homosexuality. After all, everyone knows that the battle for homosexual rights is equivilent to the civil rights movements of the 1950s and 60s. The mayors and councilmen of major cities have the duty to ensure that hate factories such as Chik-Fil-A are not built and/or opened on their turf. Are these knee-jerk reactions? Sure. But, knee- jerk reations are necessary to in such extreme cases of outright hatred and extremism as currently exhibited by this particular franschise. Solidarity is of utmost importance when fighting such a demon. As a matter of fact we can all take the lead of some of the major players in the entertainment industry on this one. When we mortals are at a loss for words and expressive, meaningful statements regarding such monumental issues, they come through for us. Here are some examples:

""[A]nyone who eats S**t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ."
-Roseanne Barr. (Hollywood Intellectual and Enterainer)

Can there be any doubt that she is one of the most charming and cerebral voices of reason concerning this issue? I think not.

Here's another gem that we need to pause and give thought to:

"“Chick-fil-A doesn’t like gay people? So lame,” Hate to think what they do to the gay chickens! Lost a loyal fan.”

-Ed Helms (Genius actor and Star of "The Office.")

We need to take thier lead and boycott Chik-Fil-A. So, fellow members of Hornfans, are you going to just sit back and let this man (Cathy) express his hate-filled opinions regarding gay marriage or are you going to take a hard stance and boycott anything Chik-Fil-A?

Oh, here's something else I got to thinking about. We need to investigate the following:

Has Chik-Fil-A ever refused service to gay patrons? If so, it would similar to the restuarants of days gone by who refused service to minorities.

Does Chick-Fil-A have water fountains marked "Gay" and "Straight?" I only visited one today so I can not make a fair judgement. Perhaps those of you in Travis county can scope out your local locations and give us some feedback.

Does Chik-Fil-A refuse to hire gay help? Hmmmmmm. Another interesting angle that needs to be investigated thoroughly.

If, in fact, any of the above situations are occuring at a Chik-Fil-A near you, please tweet the women on "The View" or a similar hard-hitting journalistic program so that the word will get out.

Chick-Filet-A need to know that "The whole world is watching."
Chicago has been blocking Wal-Mart stores as well. I swear the city leaders would rather have the city burned down than employ a sensible economic framework.
What really offends me about Chikfila is that their staff is pleasant and helpful. What the hell? Don't they know that the rich are just trying to keep them down? Plus they can't work on Sunday. What are they supposed to do all day on Sunday?
1.) If I read Cathay's comments correctly he only addressed marriage between a man and a woman. I only read part of it.....

2.) The Mayor of Boston, Chicago and the Alderman from Chicago better be ready for some legal action.

3.) Wal-mart is not a unionized company so Rhamm will do whatever he can to keep them out of the corrupt city of Chicago.
I think the ACLU was fairly smart in their response While it is a big proponent of gay marriage, it realizes you can't discriminate on that fact alone.
If someone says they don't support gay rights because they're tired of their agenda being shoved down their throat....

this is what they're talking about.
Where is the tolerance from the pro-gay / pro same sex marriage crowd here?

Mr. Cathey has a free speech right and he said nothing hateful about gays - he believes marriage should be between one man and one woman. So. I happen to agree with him. Frankly I have about had it with intolerent and hateful gay / pro-gay people that cannot accept that someone might disagree with marriage other than one man and one woman.

Because I want to honor traditional marriage does not mean I cannot accept or that I hate gays, polygamist, or anyone else that wants a non-traditonal marriage.
I honestly believe most people who are homosexual are biologically wired to be that way and I support gay marriage. I also support and encourage Cathy and anyone else to come forward with a well-reasoned contrary opinion.

I think Chik-Fil-A is a great place to get fast food. I love that it gives employees Sundays off. I like its family-friendly, community-friendly, Christianity- friendly attitude. There's a great local charity that arranges lunch between adults in a stable world and a youngster growing up with an absent dad called Hang Time Lunch. A couple of Chik-File-A franchies provide free lunch. The man gets a free lunch for himself and the kid and they have lunch once a month or so in the Middle School Cafeteria. The delicious food from chik-Fil-A is part of what makes it go. Hang Time Lunch is not the solution for a tough problem, but it does make a lot of lives a little better. Chik-Fil-A franchisees as well as corporate always seem to looking for ways to be a creative force for good in the community.

I don't agree with Cathy's views on this one, but I don't agree with everybody about everything and I think we should all get used to it. I admire him and his business and any city that kept them out in favor of another fast food franchise is doing their community a disservice.
I pity Cathy. His comments are yet another example of how blind obedience to organized religion and lack of intellectual curiosity breed uninformed views (e.g, the OP's assertion that being gay is a "lifestyle") and bad policy (e.g., civil marriage discrimination). That said, unless the company is actively discriminating against employees or customers, no government should have the right to punish Mr. Cathy's business for his truly idiotic, self-contradictory, anti-history, anti-Biblical (and coincidentally anti-gay) personal views on marriage. That would be asinine. Mayor Mumbles and Crisis Rahm are just trying to score some easy political points.

However, customers are free to boycott his business and that includes using all forms of speech, no matter how undignified.
Strangely.....The same position the left is losing their collective **** over w/ chic-fil-a is the same position the Barack held when he was elected to the highest office in the land. Dan cathy isnt running for anything and has exactly no power over the lives of people that do not voluntary associate with his organization. Faux Outrage indeed.

I am 100% for gay marriage and always was, but I now seek out chick fil a's for lunch to combat this hypocritical nonsense.
I always love the crappy attitude directed towards the religious The "intellectually curious" have been an amazing producer of uninformed views and bad policy for quite some time now.

- Racial Purity
- Political Theories bent to justify murder and repression (Marxism/Leninism)
- Grand Scale Experiments like the Great Leap Forward that caused more death than the World Wars.

Things like the Tuskegee Syphillis experiments, Japanese and Nazi human experimentation, MKUltra, etc.(bad policy) were all hatched by those informed smarties practicing rational thought and science.

The Kennedy Adminstration "Best and the Brightest" are a wonderful example of highly educated people making counter-productive and in hindsight really bone-headed conclusions. The Obama administration seems to be fairing no better.

Uninformed views and bad policy manifest themselves in every walk of life. 21s Century Christians are not more or less guilty of dumb ideas than the intellectually curious you think are more capable.
I've always liked Chick Fil A, because their food is of good quality for fast food, and their employees don't treat you like sh*t. Now that I know that Cathy is not only pro-traditional marriage but actually has the balls to be vocal about it, I'm going to go out of my way to eat there when I go back to Texas next week.
The funny thing is this guy did not make any kind of an anti-gay statement. The left wingers in this country really need to try to take a deep breath already. It's like they want to brand him with the scarlet letter or something. Sheesh.
While I am very much a pro gay marriage person, I can't say anything bad about Cathy for what he said. While I disagree with his statements, I support his right to say them.

However, I will avoid eating there....not because of what he said but because of the amount of money he donates to anti gay marriage groups. He can say what he wants and I can refuse to spend any money there.
Their hatred and visirol is so hypocritcal.

The hate that they spew is unreal. Shows their true colors and how inconsistent they are in whatever they believe in.
It is not a place a really frequent but I will try to make a point to do so now. I'm very impressed with how they run that business. They're different. I like it.
I've made a point to go there more often lately. Not a big fast food eater in general, but there's no denying the greatness of a #2 with provolone and a large tea.

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