Gray to Texas!!!

It's like waking up on a Christmas morning in the 80's and scoring a slinky, all of the Masters of the Universe, a pogo ball, the entire Star Wars set, an Atari with Centipede and Space Invaders, a Lite-Brite, and an auto graphed Crockett and Tubbs 8 X 10 glossy.
The man has skills. That video shows great acceleration, vision and patience. I don't see a lot of power, but since no one gets more than an arm or a few fingers on him it's kind of hard to tell.
Watch the playoff videos vs one of the Mesquite schools in the semis I think. It was all tough sledding and not an easy yard to be had..
Congrats! Great pickup and a really special player. Candidly that is the first time I can remember Texas going head to head with TCU for a valuable recruit...not surprised how it ended.
How is it that six months after Gray's Junior year there are no Junior year highlights to be seen? Do we really have to pay to see some clips of this kid six months later? (And no I'm not talking about his game vs. Lake Travis, etc.).
I'd hold of celebrating until (1st we demonstrate an ability to run the ball early in the season so he doesn't have cause to pause, (2nd he signs his letter in early Feb. Both father and son seem like they've reached a mature decision which would not be swayed easily, but one never knows until he knows...

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