Grande Communications


25+ Posts
I've been approached by Grande to switch from SBC, Time Warner Cable, and Road Runner. Given the lack of knowledge to some questions presented to the salesman, I'm a little leary of Grande...but damn, it sounds like a pretty good deal (and I'd love to dump SBC and Time Warner due to their price increases every 3 to 4 months). To get the same services plus digital TV and a whole lot more channels it looks like I save over $25 a month.

The question is...does anyone have experience with these guys and is it worth the change over?

Thanks ... geeceez
i've got it, it's pretty good, our cable has never gone out or anything like that. been with them since october.
I have them, love it. It's a good deal. No problems with the cable, or cable modem. Had one problem where I didn't have a phon for about a week cause of som line thing, but they gave me a free month for the phone cause of it.

Only problem I had, was when I got it installed it was gonna cost extra to drop some extra lines, and i didn't have the money at the time. Ah well.

But paying 90 bucks a month for phone, internet, and cable all in one bill is sweet.
it runs me about 100 a month for standard cable, high speed internet, local and long distance phone. That's with plenty of long distance. I kinda missed news 8 and pbs2 at first but not any more. Just having one bill is worth a lot. I may upgrade to the digital soon.
Thanks guys for the input. I bit the bullet today and signed up for the change over. Took the digital Xtreme package with a couple of premiums. Anyway, after taxes (don't you love the almost 25% tax they manage to add to the total) it ought to be about $130 a month...which is still 50 less than I pay Time Warner and Southwestern Bell.

Now the fun to fire Time Warner and SBC so as not to pay for both services for a month. Last time I fired AT&T it took 6 months to get those sobs to get the idea. Hopefully this will be a little easier.

Now...what's this TIVO that Mrs GeeCeeZ wants me to get?