1sahorn 1,000+ Posts Sponsor Mar 9, 2008 #1 gotta hand it to them...they DO know how to make music out in West Texas The Link
D drycreek Guest Mar 9, 2008 #3 Pretty cool. In twenty years they'll be showing that video when those chicks are nominated for their first Grammy's ala the Dixie Chicks.
Pretty cool. In twenty years they'll be showing that video when those chicks are nominated for their first Grammy's ala the Dixie Chicks.
G gardere_owns_OU Guest Mar 10, 2008 #5 does mommy still dress them and do their hair? great pipes though.
S SMDhorn 250+ Posts Mar 10, 2008 #8 Tooo... Slllooowww... Our National Anthem is not a dirge. Liven it up a bit! Otherwise, not too shabby.
Tooo... Slllooowww... Our National Anthem is not a dirge. Liven it up a bit! Otherwise, not too shabby.
O Orange Salad Ranch 250+ Posts Mar 11, 2008 #9 Nice job Andi, Baylee, Blaire, Madeline and Tatum. Now go tell your parents to get you some real names with spelling lessons.
Nice job Andi, Baylee, Blaire, Madeline and Tatum. Now go tell your parents to get you some real names with spelling lessons.
B Bevoette 1,000+ Posts Mar 11, 2008 #11 Nice.. they are young..still time to steer them away from West Texas.