GOP Budget - What do you think?

I agree with you both. There is room for cutting in both defense and ALL entitlements. However the step down needs to be scaled and planed over a few years but not too many.
MichTex, if I were a Republican in congress, I would use defense as a bargaining chip and cut it only if entitlements were cut as well. As a citizen, I would want extensive cuts in both. With that said, your chart should adjust for inflation (which it might since the title states in constant 2005 dollars). And while I think inflation adjusted dollars is important, the point of the graph that I linked was that relative to entitlements, the defense budget has decreased even while we have been at war. Thus, while both defense and entitlement budgets are a problem, the growth in government spending has primarily been due to a growth in entitlements. If we wish to get spending in order, entitlements have to be addressed.
Ugh. Ryan's budget sucks. Obama's budget sucks. Ryan's might suck a little less, but they both suck.

However, I'm sick of debating budget politics. Nobody listens. Nobody looks at the math. Nobody looks at the trends. Nobody looks at the historic data. They just blindly regurgitate the talking points of politicians they hear on TV. It's a waste. We're all going to hell. Do you want a Democrat to take you to hell quickly or a Republican to take you hell five years later? Not much of a menu.
Paul Ryan seems to be the only one providing any leadership on budget matters in Washington. Then you have the Rogers of the world. Sadly Roger is in line with most politicians. All one-liners and jokes and zero solutions.
Obviously the devil is always in the details but conceptually I would support a voucher system for both healthcare as well as schools. Vouchers could create more of a competitive marketplace driving costs down and improving quality. Again I would have to read the fine print before signing but on the surface I like the idea.

Specifically for healthcare, I don't think most people are aware of how expensive the care actually is. People go to doctor's offices for almost anything because the cop pay is so cheap or in some cases free. If your co pay was say $100, you would take your kid in when he/she is really sick and not because your baby is sniffling. Senior citizens use doctor visits as a social outing, often clogging up the appointments for insignificant problems or worse no reason whatsoever. Medical professionals see it all the time.

Being aware of your expenses and having a certain allowance could drastically curtail the unnecessary insurance charges leading to lower premiums.
I love how these liberals mock everything and say it should be a compromise.

Well let's put your budget side by side Ryan's and Compromise.

I will even go as far as this, if you can show a flat budget for the next 3-4 years, no increases or actual decreases in government spending I will entertain your desire to increase taxes.

Show me your budget and let's compromise. The funny thing is Ryan's budget already starts at the compromise level, for most conservatives.
Deez, I boldly assert that the Bush tax cuts, coupled with BHO's damnable renewal of them and Bush's elective wars put us in a financial hell hole.
Why did Revenues increase so much after the Bush Tax cuts? After the Reagan Tax cuts? After the Kennedy Tax cuts? After the Harding Tax cuts?

I will tell you why, money in private hands creates more jobs, more taxable revenue a more robust economy that stimulates spending and an increase in tax revenues.

Why do tax increases spin out the economy? Because it takes money out of the hands of people that want to spend it and invest it growth products. People stop investing and hoard their money not wanting to just piss it away and give it to the government.

More money in the Federal Government is not a wise investment. The Government is not a long term fix to any economic problem, they are a long term hinderance.

It has been proven time and time again.

Social Security
Post Office
GM(will fail agaiin)
3/5ths Compromise
United Nations
Department of Education
Defense Procurement

Do you really need more examples?
Mr. Deez,

Another thing he won't count for is the cost of what it would be even if we didn't go to war. It's not like they are only employed during war time. When they are in the states, it's still a cost there.

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