GOP Budget - What do you think?

not really even a good start to cutting enough spending to get us on the right path. it is better than anything obama has attempted to do with regard to a budget, but it is a long way from being a solution. it is really just more of the same problem.
Its an major election year. Incumbents already have an uphill battle. The last thing any of them want are tough decisions that will ensure the get voted out.

Simply put, tough decisions will piss off everyone in the electorate. There is no leadership left in D.C. They are more interested in maintaining power.
I don't think some of the people in Ryan's camp understand what education does for jobs and the economy- the Pell grants need to stay, the cuts in medicare and SS are great if done intelligently.

This country can not compete in a global economy on the basis of our raw materials or cheap labor, our only competitive advantage is our intellect, which comes from education. Companies invest in R&D if they want to survive, or instead they can become a Kodak and just become irrelevant.

For the 100th time, the Bi-Partisan Simpson Bowles plan achieves real cuts in entitlement programs while also leaving some investment in the country's future. It is a combination of Conservative-Democrat thought, and upsets people on both sides, which means it's also a true compromise and the best bet anyone has on getting anything passed. Otherwise the idiots can retreat to their ideologies and not have anything passed- which is worse than anything.

There are two main factors that separate the USA from other countries in the world. Upward mobility of the classes, and our University system that produces people and technology we then sell to the rest of the world.

I agree with most of your pell grant points, but to me that drop in the bucket adds up- and given the sharp rise in education vs. inflation I would think $5,000/year makes a difference for many in whether or not they attend a particular university, vocational school or decide to just not attend at all.

In my life, I've spoken to people who didn't attend college and many times they tell me "I'd go also but I couldn't afford it." Well guess what, I couldn't afford it either, I left school with loans worth 2 BMWs at the time, but in part because of low rate loans I received, a pell grant or two, and a strong conviction to pay down the loans ASAP via my new job- I did it. And, I hate the excuse "I couldn't afford it."
You got your revenue increases last year, you probably forgot.

The time for Compromise was $15Trillion ago, no more compromises.

Cut whatever you want or make your suggestions, everything is on the table.

I am willing to make cuts to Defense spending. There are no sacred cows for me when it comes to spending.
Ryan is making a pretty technical argument for revenue expansion. Not everyone agrees with it but a lot of people don't think just raising taxes is an effective step either.
Does Ryan's plan actually cut pell grants or does he propose sending the money to states to administer in block grants?

I see Huffpo mentions is as cutting but i don't see the verification.
Details matter and if Ryan flat out cuts pell grants I would be against that.
But if he modifies or sends money to states to administer that is diffferent.
I think it's been proven that tax increases usually yield more revenue and most everybody agrees that cuts alone won't provide the revenue necessary to support the kind of government Americans obviously want.
I agree with you, Satchel. The "the kind of government Americans obviously want" is pretty close to what we're getting--we're just not paying for it. What's tragic, however, is that our leaders have ignored the Constitution in order to give the people that government.
No, what is says is that tax revenue equates to a certain percentage of GDP despite the tax rate.

Taking the argument one step further, though, you need to decide if you think that tax rates are inversely correlated to GDP growth (i.e. higher taxes means slower growth and lower taxes means higher growth).

That is where the real argument takes place. Ryan is arguing and he has a lot of support that lower taxes spur economic growth and enlarge the pie that we can then carve the same old fixed slice of tax revenue from.

People argue against his stance though.
There is also plenty of evidence of tax revenue growth with higher tax rates.

At this point, I think the ONLY way to get us out of this hole is to raise taxes and cut spending. Like I said, with the right plan everyone should be pissed off. This is why our elected representatives in D.C. won't make any changes.
I personally find most of the real academic research on the topic to be tilted towards the inverse correlation I mentioned earlier.

Engen and Skinner at Dartmouth did a pretty long analysis of all the policy research back in the 1990s and concluded:

In reply to:

I wish Paul Ryan were running for Pres. It seems to me that he is one of the few people in Washington that actually try to do the right things for the country.
Name twice in history where Tax increases led to a boom in the economy?

I know three times in recent history where taxe decreases brought this country out of a recession and created a boom in this country by both Republcian and Democratic Presidents.
I agree with HUGE cuts across the board. Cut defense by 20% and do the same to SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, etc etc etc. While everyone would whine we would watch the world regain trust in the American Economy and it would be great!
Just as a reference PharmD.

"A caption on the chart notes that “spending on national defense … has declined significantly over time, despite wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” But there are other ways to examine the numbers. Here’s another chart, also based on budget data."
The Link


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