Good Riddance

Mr. Deez

Beer Prophet
I'm seriously considering throwing a party over this. For the record, this has nothing to do with ideology. The problem with Bachmann wasn't that she was too conservative.

The problem with her is that she represented everything that sucks about Republican politics. She was a shameless self-promoter whose prominence stemmed only from her ability to spout stupid slogans and make inflammatory statements. She was brainless on policy and had no record of meaningful accomplishment as a House member - a total waste of a congressional seat. She was our Sheila Jackson-Lee. The more worthless wastes of flesh like Bachmann leave office, the better.
Completely agree. The republicans simply cannot have people like this in the party. The media will only focus on the few nutjobs and ignore the more reasonable ones in order to paint the entire party as wacky and out of touch.
It's a great step forward for the R's and could give that fresh air needed to usher out the stale moldy and dusty air that prevails. It may help end some of the in-fighting in the party and bring cohesion. The worst enemy for Republican's, in my opinion, is Republicans.
I think she is great and what House members should be, normal citizens that are NOT career politicians. If you take away all the career politico's imagine how much corruption that goes with it......I for one was a Bachman fan. She is and was anything but being about herself, very bad analogy or characterization. I can see other reasons but not because she was in it for herself, that is just plain bad judge of character.

I don't consider myself a Republican anymore, I consider myself a member of the Tea party.
You call her a nut job, I call her the only thing standing between us a Shaira law. Now that we've lost her, we're going to go into a hyper moral society. All the entertainment we get from Cheaters, Maury Povich, Jerry Springers and other purveyors of amoral idocy are going sayanara. When that happens, Deez, take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. It's "thinking" Republicans like you that curb in the mad dog Christian Republicans who buttress our country against the moralizing nutjob Muslims.
insert pretty much 80% of congress into your description and it still rings true. Calling anyone SJL is too much though.
Deez, you are usually reasonable and have great opinions, yours on Bachman is based on a lot of CNN and conjecture. I think that is the right word, I get it you don't like her.

Why she is retiring is not because she might lose in 2014, c'mon did you watch Anderson Cooper last night?

What members of Congress actually do anything unless you have been there for 30 years. That is the problem with Congress new members don't get to do squat until they pay their dues in getting elected 10-20 times.

She is without a doubt brighter than the average bear in Congress.....if you don't like her, I would love to hear your opinion on Pelosi...........

She just reminds me of lady that may live on my block that is serving her country. In 2014 it will be the next guy's turn.

Can you educate us on some of her accomplishments? Admittedly, I share Deez's views of her. I know she has played fast and loose with the facts on multiple occasions and has appeared to practice in hyperbole when on the national stage.

Is it simply a "she's like me" that drives your affinity for her? Bachman certainly appears to have grabbed the microphone for the Tea Party.

Personally, I think she may have helped the movement in its early days giving it a mouthpiece for reduced government spending, her missteps and untruths along the way have codified the Tea Party stereotype.

Now the Tea Party struggles to tear off the stereotype and actually get work done in Washington.
I think the Tea Party is doing a great job, keeping Obama from spending as much as he wants, you don't attribute that to the Tea Party? and all the fearful Republicans of losing that part of the base?

I am not touting her accomplishments, name another Congressman or woman that has done anything substantial in the past 6-8 years?

She is joe every day citizen not a career politico, that is why I like her, she is simple and in my opinion her beliefs are common sense not some theoretical made up world at Harvard or Columbia. Yes, that's why I like her, I think most people on hear despise the career villify her because she mis-spoke or played loose with the truth, you must really despise Pelosi, Reid and Obama..........
"Now the Tea Party struggles to tear off the stereotype and actually get work done in Washington"

Liberals are good at smearing those that don''t agree.
No doubt, her gaffes have been exposed in the media,but I stand by the statement that 80% or more fit your description. However, the American people live by sound bites versus true legislative intelligence. Bachman and the Tea Party have been the only counterbalance to bad government from both republicans and democrats.

Obama is not in office because what he accomplished prior, but rather his ability to give a good speech. Sadly, "rhetoric" is how things get done in today's misguided world.
Can't argue with you, I just don't think that someone who is being scrutinized over campaign financing is worried about an election almost 2 years down the road.

Your original post was almost verbatim from Anderson Cooper last offense intended.

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