It's not that we "bash" the Salt Lick.
Most of us will acknowledge that it is a great time, in a great environment, where you get to bring in coolers and coolers and coolers of beer, and you get to eat cue until you damn near crap yourself. That is a good time, for sure.
It's just that the cue itself is not that great. The ribs are good, even very good. The brisket is average to below average, and the sausage is below average. So, when I go, I eat a shitload of ribs.
I LIKE the Salt Lick. I enjoy going to the Salt Lick. Hell, I think I might try to put together an excursion soon. It's just that I rate it as a "whole experience" type restaurant as opposed to a straight-up "barbecue joint."
Think of it this way -- put a tray of Salt Lick cue in front of me, and a tray of cue from Cooper's, Kreuz's, Meuller's, etc. in front of me. The MEAT from Salt Lick will not win that fight.
But pick a joint where I'm gonna go with 10 friends on a Friday night? Salt Lick wins that fight. The food is certainly good enough -- it's just not great. But I don't go for just the food -- I go for the whole package.