Going to Boulder

speak, never been there. thanks for the suggestion. We'd like to do a beer tour of the area. Any other suggestions for where to hit?
Whatever you do, make sure you go to Illegal Pete's for a burrito (Pearl Street Mall). Best burrito you will ever eat- none of the chains around these parts even come close to Pete's. That was my staple meal when I lived in Boulder and it served me very, very well.

As for the fans, it's really not hard to put them back in their place when they start talking ****. After all, WE'RE TEXAS. They usually just cower down to where they belong...

I'm going for the game but probably staying with friends
I keep forgetting that I have a book called "A Game Day Guide to Towns of the Big 12". Here's what it says about the Millenium Harvest House:
"If you want to be at the biggest party on Game Day, you need to be at the Millenium Harvest House. Festivities start early with breakfast burritos, Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers. With 16 acres of outdoor gardens, 3,000-5,000 people can eat, drink and watch pre-game activities on the 14-foot television screen that's wheeled into the area. Watch the game here if you don't have a ticket. KBCO radio broadcasts their pre-game show here as well. If you're lucky enough to have tickets, you can walk the 100 yards to Folsom Field, but come back for post-game hamburgers, hot dogs and cocktails.
Don't know if it's still there but a restaurant in that Pearl Street area called the Red Fish Grill, or something like that, had a brewpub in the back that produced some of the best brewpub beers I ever had.

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