Going nuclear

The biggest result of this will be a more polarized judiciary. For years, both parties have mostly made consensus appointees - people who were generally on their side but not totally offensive to the opposition. That's going to change in situations in which one party has the White House and the Senate. Democrats will have no reason to appoint anything but the most hardcore liberals they can find, and the reverse will also be true.

Frankly, if you're a social conservative, you should like this, because you've always been the first to get hosed on judicial picks. When the GOP made compromise appointments, it was always on the social agenda. They would appoint a pro-business, social moderate (Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, etc.). When Democrats made compromise picks, they did the reverse by appointing a social liberal who was pro-business (Stephen Breyer and to a point, even Ruth Bader Ginsberg). You'd never see a socially conservative but business-skeptic judge from either party.

With this change, GOP presidents with a Senate majority will no longer have any reason to compromise. If Charles Schumer or Pat Leahy think the GOP nominee is "too extreme" (meaning socially conservative) if the GOP has 51 votes, they can tell them both to **** off. Of course, Democrats won't appoint a social conservative or moderate to the bench, but they never did that anyway.
I am completely fine with this move. Thanks to Obamacare, I think there is a good chance Dems lose the Senate in 2014 and then the WH in 2016. It will make it easier to undo so many of the f' ups of the last 5 years.
"200 years of precedent have been broken."

Rule 22 was written in 1917, and then amended to be stronger in 1975, so it's possible that 38-96 years of precedent have been broken.

If people don't like the idea of the President making judicial appointments, then they should amend the U.S. Constitution to remove that from his powers. You'd be surprised how much support that would get from either party during the "down" years when they didn't control the presidency. Holding up the appointments on the merit of "we, the minority, don't like that person for the job" isn't democratic, or even something that a republic should aspire to. I hated it when Dems would whine about it, and it's about 10 times worse with the Dems as the majority.

I'm kind of left wondering whatever happened to the concept of "majority rule," but it's fairly obvious that everyone would rather play the victim and scream about how rights are violated when this **** goes down.

I kind of hope the GOP at least takes the Senate so they can sit there for 2 years, looking like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, repeating to themselves over and over again "yes... yesss... when we get the presidency back, ohh just you wait... you'll see..." and laugh maniacally.

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