Giants win!

Much as the Giants are a mortal Cowboy enemy (with the Redskins and Eagles) I'm officially proud and happy as can be.

I'm so euphoric I feel gitty. This is the same feeling I had when the Horns won in the final seconds against the Trojans.

And... get this.. I subscribe to the NY Times!!! Can't wait to read the paper tomorrow and listen to the radio.

This is one helluva high!! I would have been devestated if the Pats had one... I took one helluva'n emotional chance.
I also get a bit of enjoyment knowing that Tiki Barber has to live with leaving early and watch those guys win. Thought he was completely classless in the way he attacked Eli and the team after they got off to a slow start this year. Karma is indeed a *****.
During the trophy presentation, Strahan said (paraphrasing) "someone said that our previous game gave us false confidence. That's wrong. It gave us confidence."

Was this something Tiki said? My wife and I were waiting for him to give Tiki a jab in his interview.
Belicheat may have, but the rest of his team save for Moss and Bruschi was in the locker room on the final play.

I stand by what I said. 2007 Patriots = 1991 Pistons.
I never thought I'd think Randy Moss would show more class than anyone, but Bellichek could take a lesson from Moss on how to be gracious in defeat. Bellichek is a ******* dick.
"During the trophy presentation, Strahan said (paraphrasing) "someone said that our previous game gave us false confidence. That's wrong. It gave us confidence."

Was this something Tiki said? My wife and I were waiting for him to give Tiki a jab in his interview. "

It was Howie Long.
Wow, what a great game and what a great victory for NY and all their fans. I was pulling for them since they are NFC and beat the Cowboys... Aaron Ross got a Super Bowl ring to boot!

Besides, I was tired of NE winning.
Have to admit, I was pulling for the Giants in this one. I was very pleased that they managed to pull it out!

I don't really hate the Patriots on the whole. I just strongly dislike Belichick. Arrogant, unethical prick doesn't even begin to describe him. If all the spygate allegations are true, then he deserves whatever is coming to him.

I could live with the Patriots going undefeated and winning the championship in any other situation. The whole spygate thing left a very bad taste in my mouth. Just because "everyone else does it, he just did it worse" doesn't make it right. How would we react if Mack Brown had pulled this same thing? Would we as Texas fans consider it to be acceptable behavior?

The constant media fellating of the Patriots over the last few weeks did get a bit tiresome, though. It reminded me a lot of USC in 2005. I was glad to see the underdog win, just like in 2005.