Get behind Roger

Remember the bat thrown at Piazza? And he said he thought it was the ball he was throwing? But why would you throw the ball at the batter instead of to 1b? Obviously induced by roid rage ...

Yeah, he's obviously innocent and not a liar.
roger is cheating, lying scum

no one should be behind him

i wouldve forgiven him if hed come clean

now hes just making himself look worse in the eyes of most people
Shame on Roger if he makes a public appearance at Minute Maid Park or at the Disch on the field. He'll get booed out of the park and justifiably so!
Roger Clemens is an arrogant, lying, sorry excuse for a human being. Not once did he take responsibility for anything that transpired during these allegations...especially surrounding his association with McNamee before AND after his wife was injected w/ HGH. Had I found out that one of my "trusted" friends had injected my wife w/ an illegal substance, I would have been hauled away in cuffs after beating the tar outta that SOB. But what did big, bad Roger do? Not give him business for a couple of months...okay....The only excuses we keep hearing are that he is either too trusting of an individual, or that Pettite "mis-heard" his conversations. My three year-old can lie better than him. But he's an athlete, so i guess he shouldn't be held to that high of a standard.

Hope it was all worth it Roger, because you really f-ed up.
"Roger Clemens is an arrogant, lying, sorry excuse for a human being"

He's just following in the foosteps of our commander in chief. I guess that's why all the pubs are lining up behind him.
I think he did it too.

I, however, unlike so many hypocritical posts on here will not sit in judgement. B/C I KNOW damn near every pro sports player out there has done the same thing.

If anything Roger should go to jail for being a complete dumbass. If you're going to do roids, be a man and inject yourself. That's what all the athletes who haven't got busted do and they're probably all giggling to themselves about what a moron Clemens and all the other guys who left a trail are.

Think of your favorite football players over the last 30 or so years....I'd be willing to bet half of them have at one time or another juiced.

So throw your stones, just realize that by going to games and following your favorite pro and college teams, you have been endorsing steroid use for decades. Have fun in your fake utopia.
Bonds and Clemens have lived in a different world being successful athletes and ego has convinced them that they are not lying.

Occams Razor
Sorry, Tyler, I didn't hear that on the radio. But I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that. I didn't get to watch the hearings live, so I was quite startled to see

I don't think we need to tear down Roger's number. Nothing's been officially proven. And he wasn't on steroids when he played for us. I'm sick about this because I hate to think I might have to side with that scumbag McNamee.

I haven't forgiven Pettitte. Yet. Yes, he confessed, but only after he was named. He was probably willing to keep it a secret if that didn't happen.

It's just a sad time for baseball.
"Amazing how on a thread about Roger Clemens a Bush hater still finds a way to interject."

So sorry. Didn't mean to hijack a thread from all the Clemens haters.

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