General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

That doctor is at least a real person
She is listed as one of doctors who originally found the blood clot in the brain back in 2012
But, it is still possible the info from this twitter account is all an elaborate Dan Rather style fakeness
"..... Drs. Lisa Bardack of the Mt. Kisco Medical Group and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi of George Washington University discovered the clot during a routine follow-up MRI on Sunday.

"This is a clot in the vein that is situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear," they said in a statement today. "It did not result in a stroke, or neurological damage. To help dissolve this clot, her medical team began treating the secretary with blood thinners. She will be released once the medication dose has been established."

Clinton is "making excellent progress," according to her doctors. "She is in good spirits, engaging with her doctors, her family, and her staff."

Clinton, 65, was hospitalized at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Sunday. She suffered a concussion earlier this month after she hit her head when she fainted because of dehydration from a stomach virus, according to an aide......"

* * * *

Reading the tea leaves -- the underlined part here (still from the ABC art.) looks like a supportive media's way of suggesting someone may have been lying about her condition

"............ Dr. Keith Black, head of neurosurgery Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said he was "surprised" by Clinton's diagnosis. "If I were her treating physician, you would have to ask, why did she develop a thrombosis. A very unusual event following a concussion without a skull fracture."

He speculated that Clinton may have had a "predisposition to clot formation." She had a deep vein thrombosis, a clot in the leg, in 1998.

"It is likely she will be evaluated for a clotting abnormality," he said.

Treatment of this condition consists of reversing the cause when known, controlling seizures if present, controlling the blood pressure in the head, and anticoagulation. Anticoagulation is the most essential...."
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That twitter account was taken down
So .....
(1) Could have been fake
(2) Could have been Twitter acting on its own (lots of other recent examples of this happening)
(3) Could have been hacked
(4) The person doing it may have spoken to an attorney who screamed at him/her - "Take that down now!"

If it is true, the person that released it is probably going to jail, but should be given a medal.

Who would argue in favor of someone with dementia being elected President?
I've been ignoring this thread because I thought it was about the boring ebb and flow of who is leading in the polls at the moment. I didn't know it was so entertaining. Keep it going Joe Fan.

If half the rumors about Hillary are true, you have to ask yourself why, why is she doing this? Just to be the first woman President?

I heard she hasn't done a real live press conference in over a year. By press conference I mean one where the questions and her responses aren't prepared in advance. The debates should be interesting, if she agrees to any.
He was invited by the Dems, and looks like they gave him a choice seat (or maybe no one was there?)
I doubt the media will give her the same treatment over this they did Trump and David Duke's endorsement

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I never get why you keep trying to make it personal? I always assume when people do this, they are conceding the actual argument.

Personal? Not really but rather calling out a behavior that honesty and accuracy are not hallmarks of many of your posts. Just like Trump attempting to absolve himself of accountability by saying "many people..." when passing off some erroneous conspiracy theory that behavior should be called out. When is passes unchallenged others take it as fact and run with it.
Add another to the Clinton body count?
Assange seems to confirm as the source (if so, also means it wasnt the Russians)

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Name-calling is personal
And probably immature

Calling you "Roger Stone" is making it personal? I apologize. Many people say your posts have similarity to what one might expect from Roger Stone. Better? It may take me awhile to embrace the thinly veiled innuendo without direct attribution style of posting.
To be fair, CNN didn't demand anything. Fringe groups like Think Progress and other lib groups did. CNN just reported that McCain was showing them to a closed room of reporters.

I think as the election nears, you'll see more "nothing to see here" comments from doctors or medical professionals who have been told by Clinton what to say, and she might release a one-page statement from a doctor stating that she's fit for office.

It probably won't matter, however, as Trump's latest comment today will push her over the easy money betting limit in Vegas.
As Hugh Hewitt said this morning; "There's a fake story and an important story this morning". The fake story is Trump's stupid gaffe. The real story is the 44 deleted emails that State Dept. turned over showing Clinton Foundation contributors email exchanges with Sec. Clinton. You know which story the MSM is going to push.

It is troubling that Trump can't STFU. Fat, corrupt, old Hillary just keeps quite and lets Trump hang himself. If Trump didn't say another word between now and the election, he'd probably do better than if he continues to open his mouth.
The 44 new emails weren't deleted, they just weren't handed over when State did their other sweep.

Doug Band (turd lobbyist and Clinton crony) was trying to get one of his friends a job at State, and that friend never got a job at State. That seems to be what a quarter of the new emails were about. Judicial Watch proclaims that Clinton is using her influence to provide favors for Foundation buddies, but what kind of favor is it to not give someone a job?

I think Trump's overanalyzed gaffe is definitely more of a story than emails that Clinton didn't read or follow up with shady offers of employment.
The media is attacking Trump with nonsense. However, I cannot feel sorry for Mr. "Obama was not born here/Cruz's dad killed JFK". What goes around comes around. Trump conducted a campaign of BS. He cannot claim to be a victim when BS hits him.
f Trump didn't say another word between now and the election, he'd probably do better than if he continues to open his mouth.

A statement that sadly says a lot about Trump.

That said, I don't think Trump said what people are saying he said. I think he was saying "If they come to take our guns, they'll have to pry them from our cold dead hands.", and not "If Hilary wants to take our guns, we'll need to assassinate her"
^ I agree stat. I also do not think he said what they think he said. However, he really cannot claim to be the victim of nonsense.
This floating around the net, but so true.

Candidates Misdeed Comparison

Hillary = Leaked US Security Secrets
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = Got People Killed at Benghazi
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = Corruption with the Clinton Foundation
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = Has Hand in Corrupt Rigged Primary
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = Has Multiple Enemies Die Mysteriously
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = White Water Scandal
Trump = Said Mean Things

Hillary = Mean to White House Staff
Trump = Said Mean Things

There are many more but you get the point. What will it take for Hillary's horrible and deadly actions to be worse than Trumps words.
Looks the majority of "likely voters" are wondering what Hillary is hiding about her health.

".... 59% of voters also now believe all major presidential candidates should release at least their most recent medical records to the public. That’s up dramatically from 38% in May 2014 when questions about Clinton's health were first being raised. Thirty percent (30%) don’t think candidates should have to release their recent medical records, while 11% are undecided.

Interestingly, Democrats (62%) believe even more strongly than Republicans (58%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (57%) that presidential candidates should release their recent medial records....."
Nancy Pelosi was on CSPAN denouncing Trump for the lies that led us into the Iraq War.

LOL. Someone needs to save us from these people.
Looks the majority of "likely voters" are wondering what Hillary is hiding about her health.

".... 59% of voters also now believe all major presidential candidates should release at least their most recent medical records to the public. That’s up dramatically from 38% in May 2014 when questions about Clinton's health were first being raised. Thirty percent (30%) don’t think candidates should have to release their recent medical records, while 11% are undecided.

Interestingly, Democrats (62%) believe even more strongly than Republicans (58%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (57%) that presidential candidates should release their recent medial records....."
And we would expect someone who defied a federal subpoena and perjured herself to provide a full release of her medical record?
And we would expect someone who defied a federal subpoena and perjured herself to provide a full release of her medical record?

Heh. That would be a big fat "NO."
But we know the Clintons are poll driven so they will respond in some form. 60% of likely voters is a big number in US election terms.
Latest polls of NV and Iowa show tie race. National polls of late show Clinton +4-8.
As Hugh Hewitt said this morning; "There's a fake story and an important story this morning". The fake story is Trump's stupid gaffe. The real story is the 44 deleted emails that State Dept. turned over showing Clinton Foundation contributors email exchanges with Sec. Clinton. You know which story the MSM is going to push.

I can't speak for the media as a whole, but as one data point... I listened to NPR for about 40 minutes this morning, and the main topic for most of that time was the new Clinton emails and a debate about whether they were important.

The Trump gaffe wasn't mentioned at all.

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