General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

^^^and the crowd cheered? Just shows how much people actually listen.

One has to wonder about the average person that attends these political rallies. I suspect there is less "I'm undecided and want to listen to their message" and much more "rah rah, I love my fictional view of what this candidate represents". Whether media seeks out the celebrity worshipers or that truly is the average attendee, interviews of the attendees never shows favorably regardless of candidate.
Pretty much says it all.

Speaking of that, anyone else surprised we haven't heard HRC's dog imitation played over and over in some ad?
I get a visceral reaction to the thought of HRC as President. As a woman, I am ashamed that she will be the "first". If the Republicans had put up a candidate half-way decent and not been distracted by the "shiny object", this would be a slam dunk that would possibly put our country back on a level playing field.

That is the part that haunts me the most.
This election will most likely fundamentally change the USA forever. I hope I am wrong...but we have survived because of checks and balance. If HRC wins, and appoints 2 SCOTUS, and we lose a few seats, I think the days of checks and balance will be gone and things will continue to swing further left and politically correctness.
I just read an editorial complaining that Michael Phelps wasn't the best choice to carry the flag at the Olympics. The author was pushing for a female Muslim fencer instead, who is attending her first Olympics, and the left was cheering him on.
Aside from the fact that the athletes vote for the flag bearer, this Olympian hasn't won squat, and that alone disqualifiers her in my mind.
People are advocating for her solely on the fact that she is a Muslim who wears the outfit that covers the whole body. I'm sorry, I am blanking on the name, not trying to be disrespectful.
This type of thinking is our future, and there is nothing "correct" about it.
I'm weary of people trying to "out-liberal" each other.
Aside from the fact that the athletes vote for the flag bearer, this Olympian hasn't won squat, and that alone disqualifiers her in my mind.

The Olympics and athletics in general are some of the only areas left where greatness is measured by achievement. Is it any wonder progressives are so determined to undermine them or co-opt them? People are only significant in the sense of what they represent, not what they have accomplished.


Which twitter account is being dishonest? I loathe the dishonesty on all sides of the media. It's getting all but impossible to discern the agenda of various media sources these days. The extremist blogs are pure propaganda.

I can't imagine that HRC is very popular in my birthstate. They mostly love the Oracle of Omaha but dislike the fact that he gives $0 to the football program.
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I like exposing all the lies from both parties.


I dont get how anyone would within their right mind vote for either one of these liars.
I get a visceral reaction to the thought of HRC as President. As a woman, I am ashamed that she will be the "first". If the Republicans had put up a candidate half-way decent and not been distracted by the "shiny object", this would be a slam dunk that would possibly put our country back on a level playing field.

I love the "shiny object" reference, and that's exactly what Trump was. There were several good candidates in the race, but Republican voters ignored them in favor of a smack-talking schoolyard bully of no substance. It was a true pearls before swine situation, and it's sad, because almost every Republican candidate not named Trump would be winning this race. (The exceptions are Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Mike Huckabee.) I think even the lower tier guys like George Petaki and Jim Gilmore would be winning this race. But no, we had to go with the "shiny object."

This type of thinking is our future, and there is nothing "correct" about it.
I'm weary of people trying to "out-liberal" each other.

I've come to realize that it isn't really about liberalism. If it was, then embracing Islam wouldn't be such a big priority. After all, few things are less liberal than Islam - their attitude toward women, gays, intolerance for other religions, etc. They're about the most illiberal group of people I can imagine.

What seems to be the common theme behind the Left's agenda is hostility to Western civilization. (That's why a true liberal like Bill Maher gets into trouble when he brings up Islamic doctrine and attitudes about women and gays and criticizes liberals for mollycoddling them.) They celebrate secularism but only at the expense of Christianity. They celebrate racial diversity but only if it's at the expense of white people. They celebrate feminism but only if it weakens the status of men who are predominantly white and Christian. The same people who think that denying gay marriage rights is a horrific injustice will embrace people who overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage in an many areas think gays should be executed. They love free speech unless it's a conservative talking. They think Western Europe and the United States should take in Muslim migrants by the millions but don't expect Saudi Arabia, China, or India to take them.

I'm not saying all liberals are like this, but the true hardcore radicals who are becoming a stronger and stronger influence in Democratic politics are.

Which twitter account is being dishonest? I loathe the dishonesty on all sides of the media. It's getting all but impossible to discern the agenda of various media sources these days. The extremist blogs are pure propaganda.

When I saw Joe Fan's post, I was struck by how obvious it was that the second photo was taken at an earlier time during the rally. The people on the podium weren't Buffet and Clinton, and nobody was holding signs, raising arms, etc. If you saw that and thought it proved the first photo was a scam, you are seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there.

This could just as easily have been titled "Distortions of media reporting". Some are very valid accusations against the media but others are valid interpretations of Trumps actions. Trumps very public treatment of women (e.g. Megyn Kelly) warrant the descriptions of his actions. Trump has acted as a bully, easily provoked into a war of insults and while "counterpunching" he has shown no bottom as to how low below the belt he'll hit.

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