General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Focusing on whether gas is at 7.00 today seems to miss the point of everything Trump said.
Thanks for links.
Even progressives can now see how right Trump was.
Btw gas jumped ,20 and more over night here in Dallas
Is gas at $7 per gallon in the US? I knew it had spiked, but I thought it was more in the $4 range now.

According to AAA the average price of gas in the US is $4.06. APR's Marketplace had a decent summary of the oil crisis in their show yesterday. It starts at ~1:30. It covers the Russia impact, refining and local supply.

$.04 separates regular gas and Supreme? Based on that data alone I'd say that is photoshopped.

Here is a link to AAA's California Gas Price survey which is updated daily. It also has a breakdown by local area. Nothing starting with $6 yet based on their data but they did hit a record today and they are without question the highest in the country.

AAA Gas Prices
No offense SH but you almost sound as though you’re defending these price increases and btw, they did say there are $6.00 stations currently in Cali.
No offense SH but you almost sound as though you’re defending these price increases and btw, they did say there are $6.00 stations currently in Cali.

I'm not defending anything but misinformation. I acknowledged that gas prices are at all-time highs and will climb over the next few weeks, at least.
is it THAT important that there be $7.00 gas now? Why, to make Trump's claim wrong?
Or is it more important that gas is at ALL TIME high, going higher and Biden is lying that it isn't due to his policies
According to AAA the average price of gas in the US is $4.06. APR's Marketplace had a decent summary of the oil crisis in their show yesterday. It starts at ~1:30. It covers the Russia impact, refining and local supply.

I like listening to marketplace, have for years. That data doesn't reflect the most recent price spike though. I paid 3.89 last night in Dallas, had to pass several pumps that ran 3.99 to get that lower price.
I like listening to marketplace, have for years. That data doesn't reflect the most recent price spike though. I paid 3.89 last night in Dallas, had to pass several pumps that ran 3.99 to get that lower price.

It makes sense though. Texas tends to have cheaper than average gas.
The people who are surely going to be making record profits off of this. We saw it with many things. Price increases while they do stock buy backs and ceo pay increases above normal. Capitalism baby!
Start your own (oil) company! Isn't that what every leftist says when Google/Apple/Twitter/Facebook bans people they don't like?

Again, Tim Cook of Apple made 100 million dollars last year, using slave labor to keep manufacturing costs down. But as a Party Member in Good Standing, and useful to the Democrat Party, his salary is applauded, not condemned.
is it THAT important that there be $7.00 gas now? Why, to make Trump's claim wrong?
Or is it more important that gas is at ALL TIME high, going higher and Biden is lying that it isn't due to his policies

Just trying to be somewhat accurate. $4 per gallon is extremely high, but $7 is catastrophic. I'm not trying to make Trump's claim right or wrong. However, I'm not going to lie to make it true.
Just trying to be somewhat accurate. $4 per gallon is extremely high, but $7 is catastrophic. I'm not trying to make Trump's claim right or wrong. However, I'm not going to lie to make it true.

The point about high gas prices can be made absent hyperbole or in some cases blatant misinformation.
The people who are surely going to be making record profits off of this. We saw it with many things. Price increases while they do stock buy backs and ceo pay increases above normal. Capitalism baby!

I don't think anyone is gouging. There's a global market for oil. Supply is low (for a number of reasons) and demand is high. That's going to drive up the price.
The point about high gas prices can be made absent any blame towards the politicians I voted for, nor the polices I wish to see in place - is what you should have said.

It's all show. The Democrat party doesn't really care about gas prices. Why would they? Their high income voters make enough money for it not to affect them, or as the turd S Colbert claimed, they all have electric (really coal powered) cars.

The non-working class they rely on votes for don't have to like, go to work, so buying fuel, or even heating their homes isn't a concern, as St. Section 8 pays the bills.

It's the working class that bears the brunt - and since that's the group the modern Democrat party has both abandoned, and also hates, it's no big concern to them.

Will they lose some seats in the November election - yes, but so what? 15 seconds after the election the GOP candidates will suddenly say that all the things they ran on can't possible be accomplished, as the drunk John Bonner said with his "We're only 1/2 of 1/3 of the government" surrender line.

The Democrat party will still control the entirely of the real Federal Government - both the leadership of the various Agencies, and 95% of the workforce. And that's where the real power is.

Meanwhile, the working class will lose power and money, as the Democrat party wishes, and they have done the bidding of the global warmish crowd, who's always wanted high energy prices to drive demand down.
The point about high gas prices can be made absent hyperbole or in some cases blatant misinformation.

Certainly it can be made. However, it's pretty clear that the point was to make Trump look right about something. If he had only been off by a dime a gallon, one could argue that I was nitpicking, but he's off by almost $3 per gallon. He's a long way from being right.
You and I both know **** goes up way faster than the actual product cost goes up.

That was addressed in the Marketpace piece. It's called the spike and feather dilemma. Traders have priced in the potential for a Russian oil embargo thus refineries are already paying the premium. This will take ~3weeks to fully be felt at the pumps. This is the spike. When the crisis abates and drivers have become accustomed to the higher price the prices will lower gradually, or the "feather".

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