Gay Marriage Momentum

My issue is just in the redefining of something that's been around for ages. I don't begrudge the union of two people committed to one another, just call it something else because it IS something else.

You can't use the term "partner" now without clarifying it's my "business partner" or people will assume he is your homosexual mate. Will "wife" be redefined to be the more feminine spouse in the marriage, male or female?
If you think marriage is just between two people, you can take your hate and discrimination and backwards-*** thinking back into your cave.

You can't tell me who or how many I can love. Stop imposing your wrong-headed beliefs on us.
I am not a proponent of engaging a surrogate for either heterosexual or homosexual couples. There are plenty of kids wanting to be adopted.
had to read the thread for context.

Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron, but if two people of the same gender want to have their union ... fine.

Here's the rub ... it shouldn't be a public policy issue. Get the govt out of the "marriage business."

I continue to hear about "equal rights" to tax filing, & medical decisions. Like I said, get the govt out of that metric tracker, & the tax issue is a moot point. POA addresses medical issues .. btw, for which my wife had to have a current POA for every deployment ... & she's my wife!

So ... all of this is nothing more than an advancement of a political agenda which barely a generation ago said all we want is "tolerance."

So much for that ... I expect to have a few flames shot my way for recalling that mantra. If not overtly, certainly behind your computer screen. That shoe fits great or like a glove?

It's a shame, but it's not unexpected. The death spiral is getting tighter & steeper.

"til Gabriel Blows His Horn..."

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