Gang of 8 bill


is an abomination, not unlike the obamacare

This bill gives incentives to employers to hire the newly legalized, the former illegals

it will be cheaper for a company ( with over 50 workers) to hire the illegals who have been made 'legal' under gang of 8

Any supporter think this is a good idea?
WHY won't the Senate amend this?
Why did the Dems in the senate refuse an amendment?

edit to ask
OK if Dems don't want to take a GOP amendment why haven't they offered their own amendment?

here is Texas Senator explaining why the gang of 8 bill will hurt legal Hispanics blacks and teen agers

if you watch ONLY the 22 min mark where Cruz speaks of his father coming here legally, making $.50 an hour and putting himself through the University of TexasThe Link
You'd have think we would have learned from '86. Without border security the illegal immigration problem will just get worse. The amnesty will provide liberal democrats with guaranteed votes and cheap labor for businesses. This occurs while 4 million people are on a waiting list to enter our country legally.

I wish politicians had the balls to pass legislation that makes it almost impossible for illegals to remain here comfortably. Sure, you'd hear cries of "racism" and "xenophobia" from the hypersensitive liberals. Likewise, the business sector who exploits cheap labor would also come out firing.

In truth, illegals are nothing but a drag and a drain on our society. The only answer I can think of is to secure the border, levy large fines against businesses who hire illegal labor, deport illegals when they are arrested for other crimes, and pass legislation that makes it next to impossible for them to receive any financial benefits that are otherwise reserved for U.S. citizens.

Citizenship means something. At least it should. We are giving our country away because we are too scared to stand up for the principles that will ensure that the U.S. remains a major world power Our prominence is slowly diminishing before our eyes.
I never thought I'd see the day that those in charge of passing responsible legislation that is supposed to be in the best interest of the United States would sell-out and buckle as they've done.

There will be a de-facto culture shift in the near future that will not be in the best interest on the U.S. and will further diminish our status and prominence on the world stage.
It is corporate welfare for newly legal cheap labor. Why do you think so many pubs are in on this?

It is 11 million new Democratic voters.

It's a win win for big business and congress people who want to keep their power with give aways. It's a lose lose for the general American public.
Actually, tough immigration laws are a boon to those who exploit the labor of illegals. With respect to withheld pay, unsafe working conditions or whatever the exploiter does to them the answer to grievances is always "You don't like it, let's call immigration."
It's Obamacare Lite. I hear Harry Reid managed to get some pork for Las Vegas into the bill too.

The 1986 immigration act was blank amnesty for about 3 million illegals and cost the U.S. $78 billion over the next 10 years (costs minus tax contributions). Yet, somehow, I keep hearing that this is good for the U.S. economy and we'll make money on the deal. These democrats really are snake oil salesmen and lots of stupid Republicans (John McCain, etc.) who have been burned before, are falling for it again.

The Link
That's a good idea Cana. Let's sit back and watch the Republican estabishment push with energy for that kind of law.
We call all toss blame back and forth

Does anyone think THIS bill that is in the Senate should pass even the Senate knowing this bill favors illegals for employment versus citizens and legal immigrants?

No Dems are doing anything to rewrite this part for and are shooting down any GOP attempt to correct it.
The liberal chant is still big business, what big business employs illegal immigrants? Biggest employers in the state of Texas are AT&T and many illegal immigrants are working at the auto plants in Arlington and SA?

Halliburton does not hire illegal immigrants, you keep saying Big Business, they have all moved their unskilled labor overseas.....what year do you live in?

Secure the border, take the responsibility of determining an employees immigration status away from small medium business, make sure e-verify works faster than 6 months and then we can talk amnesty or a pathway to citiizenship.
Of course it is possible that subs getting contract from Halliburton could hire illegals
But they are at higher risk of being discovered than a sub working for a residential housing contractor.
The liability of being caught is pretty steep

still I have no doubt some risk it. it just won't be as prevalent as non public contracts.

It is really strange to me that Dems, at all levels but certainly in the senate aren't speaking out against the bill, speaking out to protect their base
More taxpayers from this? 11 million more taxpayers and then all their extended families as new taxpayers in the next decade?(oh, maybe 40 million more just from those we know of?)

Maybe this is how Obamacare gets paid for surely as each of these will be paying 20k$ per family for coverage, right? Hmm, if not then who pays for all of those new people getting free obamacare?

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