Gail and Kat Nash


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What's the deal with Gail grabbing Kat Nash? On the ESPN board they're calling her Bobby Knight. Are they blowing this out of proportion or did I miss something?

"call it want you want, but in the huddle, she violently grabbed christian nash by the uniform chest area, twisted her wrist, and yanked nash toward her and screamed in her face.

hmm, ya think the double-standard will apply here, i.e., no fall-out? if it was a male coach, and especially geno, of course, would wehear the calls for his head?"
I saw all the chit-chat about this yesterday. The aggies have a thread on it too. Not sure what happened, but, it must not have been as big a deal as "they" all wanted it to be!
I don't think there's a way to see it if you didn't tape the game. It's hard to comment, knowing that others don't have access to the tape to judge for themselves and reasonable people might disagree about what they saw. However, I would hope that when a coach behaves in a way that draws negative comment, the university would address the issue publicly. Unlike students who ought to have some degree of disciplinary privacy, coaches IMHO ought to be held publicly accountable for public acts.
was it kristen or kat? not that it makes a difference, i was just wondering which one.

i'm not too sure what to say, bc i didn't actually see what happened. i was at the game, but i don't sit near the bench, so i usually don't pay much attention to the huddle during timeouts. obviously people watching the game on tv had a better view of what happened. i haven't been onto the ESPN board in a while, so i'll have to check out what they say in the thread.

but they may want to hold off on the bobby knight comparisons until she starts throwing chairs across the court.
The player in question was not Kat, but rather Kristen. If you want to see a replay of the game, go to, launch their video player, select 1/28 for the date and basketball for the sport. The game link will then be listed.


The incident occurred with 16:52 on the clock under the video player.
i was at the game as well, so didn't see it. will be anxious to watch that when i get home.
Kristen didn't enter the game until 16:30. She came out at 14:27. Texas called time outs at 18:30 and again at 15:15. If there was an incident, it must have occurred at the 15:15 time out.

No doubt Gail has a temper. She was livid on the bench several times in the A&M game. I sure wish someone would post a video of this incident so we could all see it and form our own opinions
I have the game on my DVR. I just went to the time out in question - yes, Coach did clutch Kristen's jersey and pull her forward, but not violently in any way. She made her final point to Kristen (who by the way had just allowed her player to score a 3), by firm hand motions (kinda like karate chops that didn't make contact) to her chest. It was reported on ESPN board that she twisted Kristen's wrist - but that person must have a different TV feed than me, I cannot see any hands except for Coach's on Kristen's jersey. To me, having played competitive sports, it was an example of a very upset Coach trying to make an important point with a player that had just made a crucial error. However, while I was playing the biggest impression was made by a coach who called a time out and when we went to the huddle, he didn't say a word, not one word to us. I'll tell you that scared the bejesus out of us and we DID play better after that time out!
found this link on ESPN. Frankly, it looks like Coach G was giving instructions, Kristen asked a question because she wanted to make sure about what she was to do, and Coach G grabbed her jersey, kinda like what did you not understand about what I just said? then the chopping, more like to emphasis what she was saying than hitting the player. Seems like an over reaction by others imo.
thanks for the clip babhorn. people are going to differ in their opinions on the matter. for me, it's not that big of a deal. i'm with rexy...i played competitive sports through college, and i have been yelled at plenty of times, and even had my jersey grabbed at times. i didn't see coach twist her wrist, or really even physically hit her in the chest. she's frustrated and she's trying to make a point. might she regret the decision looking back on it...possibly. but nobody is perfect.
No matter what opinion one chooses to take regarding this, the fact that it occurred on regional TV, and is now captured on video, is not a positive thing in terms of recruiting as other schools can use it to their advantage.
It looks to me that Coach though Kristen asked a stupid question and she reacted to that. The look on her face after the time out seemed like the stunned disbelief you might have when you have told people something over and over and they still don't get it. And the team looked Wed. like they have never played together before. So go, Gail - get after them!
Exactly. It looked like Brittany Raven thought it was a stupid question too....go back and look at her reaction when Kristen asked the question. But are there really stupid questions in the heat of battle when you just let your player loose for a 3?

Kristen was obviously in a little shock, but it appears Kat remaind calm, cool and collected after witnessing whatever it was that happened to her sister...maybe the visual is much worse than what actually happened. Kristen is always such a scrapper, so I can't imagine it was her effort. ????
Obviously she felt her player wasn't playing attention. Horn going off, timeout over. She wanted her attention, and wanted it now. My Mom or Dad would have done worse to get my attention.
I'm not trying to stir things up here,but i have season tix to OU's womens BB games.I sit about 10 rows up right behind the visiting teams bench,and i've never heard a womens coach cuss at her team as Gail did.During a time out she literally ripped them to shreds over her team not getting rebounds.I was surprised,to say the least to here her yell and cuss at them like that.The girls looked scared to death to make a mistake..Again,not trying to stir the pot,just my observations..
This was nothing. I was expecting a Bobby Knight throat grabbing or head butt but a jersey pulling????

Coach G is doing what she is paid to do and that is to coach. A little jersey pulling and in your face coaching are known to happen when emotions are running high. I would be more upset if she wasn't showing more emotions when her team has not been playing well.
Some might not think that ut was a big deal, But it sure surprised Kristen. She was like in total shock. That being said i think that Coach might have just lit a fire under their asses and i think we see a different Longhorn team from here on out.
IMO, you don't touch a player or their jersey like that, regardless of the situation. This is completely unprofessional. If you can't light a fire under your players without physical interaction you are not doing your job as a coach.

If my boss did that to me at work he would get fired, if I didn't report to the owner of the company. There is no reason for a coach to grab any part of a player or their clothing. Keep doing that and you may end up like P.J. Carlesimo and get the smack down. I have a feeling that if Nash had reciprocated that she would be off the team.
Kristen does not get to play a whole lot of minutes, but when she does, she really gives it her all. She must have been confused about something, which can happen to any player, perhaps most especially to one who spends a lot of time on the bench......I think Coach G was frustrated, and lost her cool..........
While this was not earth-shattering, I feel it was inappropriate to grab her jersey...Kris was obviously frightened......yelling, imploring, demanding, yes, they are all part of coaching....but getting physical with a player is just not what I would have expected from Gail Goestenkors....

If Gail grabbed on of our student athletes in an aggressive way during a game, she should be disciplined, quickly. When a friend at the game said she hoped Gail could "say the right thing" at halftime to get the team motivated, I half-joked that for almost a million dollars a year, she'd better say the right thing. That kind of money puts alot of pressure on a coach, but she has to learn to handle it in appropriate ways. She has to learn it NOW.

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