France and the Yellow Vests

What are the statistics on minorities that deserve an *** whipping in non-lethal encounters?

Not sure where you are going with this. But if the implication is that the higher rate of non-lethal violence against minorities is warranted, I don't know.

That wasn't my point. My point is that cops don't necessarily target minorities to kill like the #BlackLivesMatter movement claims. The truth is much more complicated than that. Part of the truth is at what rate is the level of violence warranted.

I bet in general police use the appropriate level of force. The problem comes when they don't and they are protected by the law. It causes police and society to be separated. For policing to work we need those policemen who break the law or use too much force to meet the appropriate consequences in order to keep them trusted.
Not sure where you are going with this. But if the implication is that the higher rate of non-lethal violence against minorities is warranted, I don't know.

That wasn't my point. My point is that cops don't necessarily target minorities to kill like the #BlackLivesMatter movement claims. The truth is much more complicated than that. Part of the truth is at what rate is the level of violence warranted.

I bet in general police use the appropriate level of force. The problem comes when they don't and they are protected by the law. It causes police and society to be separated. For policing to work we need those policemen who break the law or use too much force to meet the appropriate consequences in order to keep them trusted.
Obviously, you make a great deal of sense. However, when that is posted after this stupid comment:

Cops, like bananas, go bad in bunches and all at once, depending on how afraid they become. If the suspect is brownish, it’s way more frightening for them. Statistically.

No charges for LAPD officers who shot newspaper delivery women during Dorner manhunt

which ignores Mens Rea and misstates statistics , your logic loses some of its power. Do paper deliverers deserve to be shot for delivering papers? Of course not. That pisses everyone off, but accidents happen. Should we criminalize accidents and use the accident to label everyone engaged in police activity "bad bananas"? If so, please avoid all car wreck accidents because you're going to be labeled a bad banana by the unthinking, and then going to jail should you be involved in one.
Meanwhile, here in the US, I would bet 9/10 people have any inkling this is happening, why it is happening, or have even heard the term yellow vests.
The "news" is too busy wondering if Melania has a body double, or if Beto waves his arms too much. (he does)
Several polls have Le Pen’s party leading in France. Could become a situation where the populist-nationalists lead in France, UK, Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, and Italy

Why would msm show French people protesting their fave Macron
when they can show Iranian protestors and pretend the protests are against Trump?
I believe the reason it is not being reported is that it is basically a global problem in democracies and not unique to France although like always the French are doing things in a more dramatic way. In general, you have one group of people who could care less what the government does as long as they are getting their handouts (Once these people grab hold of power, it seems impossible to dislodge them as in Venezuela, Argentina, etc...) and another group of people who feel they are already paying too much in taxes and are hell bent on not paying more. There is no middle ground, but crisis like 2008 and now COVID only add numbers to the group who want hand outs.

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