Fox News sides with Trump/Spicer in war against media

It's a perfectly fair point to make. I think @texas_ex2000 also made an excellent point about who the respective candidates' supporters are and where they live. The inauguration takes place in Washington, D.C. - a city dominated by federal employees (most of whom probably had the day off of work), blacks, college students, and very wealthy white liberals. .....

Fact check -- true. I did that when there too.

At the first Million Man March, some folk yelled at my buddy George - "What you doing here Hymie Boy? George is Greek.
I went to both pro- and anti-abortion rallies. These were always large.
Earth Day stuff occasionally had a good band.

One of the weirdest was a KKK parade. Those guys were not welcome, and had to be protected by a huge police contingency. Which, if you know DC, meant a lot of black cops were guarding the KKK. Somewhere I have pics of that. An odd sight. Fights broke out, and when it began to turn into a riot, I left the scene.

But my fav was the Gulf War I Parade. This was a throwback to days gone by. It was packed. I have never seen the US Military so appreciated as much as that day. I can still mentally visualize Stormin Norman marching down Pennsylvania (it may have been Constitution, lol). He was picking them up and putting them down. right there in the middle of the street. Heading a pack of other generals and other high rankers. But Schwarzkopf really stood out. There was an air parade overhead too. All of them. Warthogs low and noisy. But the best was last, the B-2s! There was a sonic boom, the crowd gasped, then went absolutely nuts. Better look fast or you miss them
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It's a perfectly fair point to make. I think @texas_ex2000 also made an excellent point about who the respective candidates' supporters are and where they live. The inauguration takes place in Washington, D.C. - a city dominated by federal employees (most of whom probably had the day off of work), blacks, college students, and very wealthy white liberals. They were key parts of the Obama coalition and partisan Democrats. Hell, he could have drawn 200,000 just from DC - not the DC area, just DC. Throw in the surrounding metropolitan areas that are also overwhelmingly Democratic, and Obama had an enormous advantage in having a big inauguration crowd. Throw in other Democratic-dominated big cities that in the Acela Corridor that have cheap and easy access to DC, and the advantage is downright staggering.

By contrast, Trump supporters (especially the enthusiastic ones) don't live anywhere near DC, so for most of them, attending the inauguration would have required a big commitment of time and money that they probably didn't have. Furthermore, they don't usually have the kind of jobs where you can just take off anytime you want. Frankly, if he even got half of what Obama got in 2009, he did pretty well in my book.

He really has nothing to be ashamed of, but guys with small penis issues don't necessarily have small penises. They just feel inadequate, so they have to start a fight, even if it means BSing in the process.
Exactly. Not my cup of tea, but I have no problem with a candidate with an ego. I've worked with enough fighter pilots (sorry @ShAArk92) and investment bankers to go along with it as long as they do their job.

But this was plain stupid and a complete waste of time because, given his support, crowd size in DC is absolutely immaterial. Which means instead of correcting the record on the MLK bust and highlighting where and who supports him, this became an excercise in stupidity.
You can't make this **** up. @Garmel can, but you can't.

Did the crowds die after his speech(even late in the day)? Nope. Would his crowds increase after people got off work? Yep. Not hard to figure out that the evening crowds would be higher but obviously it is for you.
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The discussion is beneath everyone but it is a symptom of a problem that is fairly significant in my view. I also agree that the media should have focused more on Obama's pre-implementation comments about the ACA versus Trump's rhetoric. However, Trump is giving them raw meat and if he'll just give me a call I think I can straighten all of this out.
Look at the bird! This is all just another Trump diversionary tactic. Though I have no doubt his ego will not allow him to believe he is ever second to anyone, and if alternative facts are necessary, so be it. Does it do damage to his credibility? Do you really think he has any credibility with the media? Yes, there is media bias and Trump is working it to his advantage like a concert violinist.
Look at the bird! This is all just another Trump diversionary tactic. Though I have no doubt his ego will not allow him to believe he is ever second to anyone, and if alternative facts are necessary, so be it. Does it do damage to his credibility? Do you really think he has any credibility with the media? Yes, there is media bias and Trump is working it to his advantage like a concert violinist.

There could be truth to this. After the biggest protest in American history which was a total success for the democrats was mostly forgotten because the press went after Trump's inauguration lie/exaggeration. Then on Monday Trump cut international spending on birth control(normally would have incensed the democrat base) then gave his 3-5 million illegal voter speech which people are now talking about.
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Yes, I sort of regret lowering myself into this one

But I do still think the point about the yuge livestream crowd (which completely bypasses most of the biased media) was worth making. It's a big deal, a big picture item, that is going to produce rapid change

Or is it more of a function of the proliferation of live streaming?

One key item that I found interesting from Spicer stated that they are adding 4 Skype accounts to the White House press briefings designated for orgs unable to attend the sessions. This is a good incorporation of technology. All white house press briefings should be broadcast live on the internet and stored for after briefing viewing.
then gave his 3-5 million illegal voter speech which people are now talking about.

That occurred in the meeting with Congressional leadership, the bi-partisan gang of 8. Of course, Paul Ryan purportedly said today that he's been shown no evidence of the 3-5 billion.

On the "no money for NGO's that offer or even recommend abortion services" that was red meat for the Pence base. That's been flipping back and forth since Reagan started the idea in the 80's. Like clockwork you can determine the US position based on whether the POTUS is R or D.
Willful ignorance of their statement? NJ was clearly referencing Spicer's statement, not his own. Did Trump U offer a class on deflection that you should be demanding your money back for?

Let us just say half of what Trump said was true(overall audience size) and the other half wasn't(attendance). Like I said earlier I'm glad you libs are now concerned about truth coming from the POTUS after that 8 year vacation y'all took. ;)
For the purpose of addressing what the OP wrote, it disproved his claim

If you want to pick nits....

In my OP, I didn't attack Trump's statement. I attacked Spicer's defense of Trump's statement. That defense included lies (alternative facts?) about Metro ridership, ground coverings, and metal detectors. So there.

That said, I will give you credit for pointing out that my summary of Trump's comment was incomplete. I gave him too much credit by only reporting the credible half of what he said.
Trump had the largest Inauguration crowd if you include all the African Americans who didn't show up to support Trump just like all the African Americans who didn't show up to vote for Hillary. This was a major reason why Trump won MI and PA.

With that, can we end this thread? I say my view is probably the most accurate on this thread.
Here is what you wrote. The claim you called absurd is actually true. Trump set an all-time new record for a live-streaming event. How many times do I have to write this?

Spicer went to war with the media today, aggressively defending Trump's absurd claim that Friday's crowd was the largest audience to ever watch an inauguration
Here is what you wrote. The claim you called absurd is actually true. Trump set an all-time new record for a live-streaming event. How many times do I have to write this?

You have to give him credit. Every time you make him eat a **** sandwich he keeps coming back for more. :P
The discussion is beneath everyone but it is a symptom of a problem that is fairly significant in my view. I also agree that the media should have focused more on Obama's pre-implementation comments about the ACA versus Trump's rhetoric. However, Trump is giving them raw meat and if he'll just give me a call I think I can straighten all of this out.
To me the difference is significant. One is discussing something akin to a campaign promise (you can keep your doc, we're going to close Gitmo, etc.). Those things aren't always possible even if you want to do them but it's an untruth told in advance that you don't backup. This is an untruth (alternate fact) that is after the fact. This is a more direct lie. It's like telling people that they didn't see something that they clearly saw. Much like the 3-5 million illegals voted. Give that **** a rest. If they were going to coordinate illegals voting they'd be doing it in swing states, not California.
ABC busted for editing a tweet in order to make Spicer look bad

The US media sucks so bad

"ABC News apologized Tuesday after the Monday night edition of Nightline edited a quote from former George W. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer in a way that made it appear that he was more critical of current White House press secretary Sean Spicer than he actually was.

“[Spicer’s] briefing made me uncomfortable. It was too truculent, too tough. It looks as if the ball was dropped on Saturday,” Nightline quoted Fleischer as saying.

But Fleischer took to Twitter to complain that he had been taken out of context....."

Uh Oh

"CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd"
Good take down, link below

CNN's original (pic on right was 3 hours early)

Later, CNN quietly released another pic --
"..... Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting. CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony....."


"It is now clear that Trump had at least as many participants at his inauguration as Obama did in 2009, and probably more. The Left and MSM are terrible with numbers and only report them when they can distort and use them to support the Left’s agenda. Trump crushed Hillary in rally attendance and now as CNN’s pictures show, Trump crushed Obama in Inaugural attendance as well."
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Fade away? Conservatives claim this is a non-story and that it's not a big deal yet you seem to be on crusade to defend it. The Geopixel image was cool. The navigation and detail was awesome. Of course, the angle doesn't give perspective, especially in the crowds down the Washington Mall which is what the cameras posted on the Washington Monument showed.

The gatway pundit ignores those though because it deflates their argument. So far, the only people proven to be lying are the defenders of Trump's statement.

Next lets talk about the parade route. The volume of open bleachers along the route was palpable. The best picture I saw was Pence walking past a set of bleachers with 1 lonely person sitting in a poncho looking a different direction.

I'm sure this was just an honest mistake... No malice intended, just watch a minute or two of his pressers...

I'm no fan of trump, but at some point he needs to pull back to once a week or so on these pressers. If the media just wants to pounce, the people (remember us?) don't benefit.
You gotta be really careful about jumping on *anything* DT says and labeling it "absurd" or "ridiculous". He seems to end up being right an awful lot of the time.

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