Fox and Hound to Close


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Per the news last night.

What will happen to that property?

I LOVED the old Waterloo that was there.

Hope it does not become more condos or another chain.
one of my buddies loved to meet up there for beer and darts. every time we went, it was pretty empty. i didn't like it big loss. it would be a good restaurant venue, mexican, preferably.
the ten times or so I went there it was always packed. Kind of surprises me, however, it was always a sporting event so I guess other nights it's empty?
When it used to be Waterloo and I waited tables at Spaghetti Warehouse, I ate many of their chili cheese burgers. MMM
Bring back Waterloo Brewing Company. Actually I heard they are trying to bring it back somewhere in Austin.
Though Fox and Hound was usually empty, Waterloo was absolutely desolate. Tough location and huge space. Will be interesting to see what moves in there, b/c the space screams big chain..
Food was atrocious and service was almost as bad. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Not even the relatively decent beer selection made it worth going to, and this from a guy who will give ANYBODY with a decent beer selection the benefit of the doubt.

I think that building just wasn't designed to serve food. The kitchen must be about as big as a walk-in closet. I don't rcall Waterloo really having much more than a grill and a countertop, and I don't know that F&H did any substantive structural modifications to expand on that.

Waterloo's roof was great on a nice day. One of my favorite spots in Austin. Hopefully somebody can come in and make it work again.
I've played on Waterloo's roof many times. Having your own crappy voice echo back off the surrounding high-rises is an ear-opener, to say the least.

the only other Fox and hound I have been too is the one here in SA. its a decent sports bar. food is average. Beer selection is decent. TV and atmosphere is ok
I can't imagine any low rise warehouse district buildings will remain in another decade. The property is far too valuable. Hopefully they can make sure there are enough basement bars to keep the entertainment district, while adding more permanent residents.
i think their problem was they had no HDs. they have 100 tvs but all are standard definition. everyone is going to ringers instead. i would love for ringers to get some real competition b/c i am not a fan. ringers = euro sports bar to me.
They opened right before HD became popular and cheap (relatively speaking) and they never upgraded. A lot of work was done to the building, I walked through it when it was under construction.

Their alcohol sales were all over the map and the lack of steady crowd kept away the better servers in town.

I had a mug there but I won't miss the place. Too corporate. Heard a rumor that Amli has bought the property.

3rd Base should be a good sports bar as an alternative to Ringers, too bad it's not downtown.

Gingerman had better not go away!
Don't people move downtown to be close to 4th street bars? What happens when every 4th street bar is replaced by a condo?
That sucks if the gingerman goes. Its the only 4th street bar I really liked. Gingerman = outside drinking. Outside drinking is the second best kind of drinking. (after hot tub or sauna drinking).