Yeah, there's no way the deal would have been announced prior to acquiring land, and clearing some regulatory hurdles. If they really are planning on a race within two years, it may we well beyond those stages, as well.
I hope this is done as professionally as possible, because there will be criticism of the city, the state, every politician up and down the line, etc.
But with F1, it has to be professional-every aspect is first class.
To me, the only pitfalls are the financial risks of the promoters and investors, and maybe some from the city for infrastructure costs, but it seems like that will be a win/win situation due to increased tourism. Some people won't see it that way, of course.
They would have to know already about zoning, site plans, electricity, water, sewage, and road improvements. A lot of negotiating must have taken place for the announcement to be made at this point.
I'm excited.