Formula 1 coming to Austin, Baby!

You are probably correct Mandingo. Something happened when the design was presented to the FIA. From some Tilke quotes over the weekend, he stressed that the FIA basically had the finally say, and that they ruled on everything from runn-off areas to FIM standards.

I suspect they were not happy about the run-off areas in a couple of places and Tilke's fix was to lengthen (less corner) a couple of curves so additional run-off couple be added. He would have had a short time frame to do this so he just pulled the stadium complex and made it work (he had plenty of room to work with).
That was the quote by Tavo's rep. at the meeting. In context, he was answering a question of how long to empty the site right now.
OK...didn't know that...but I figured it was essentially worst case scenario.

Were you there?

If not, do you have a different account of the meeting than the statesman's? Just curious. I'd like more info on this and can't find any.
I was not there, but here is what I read. Link

The exchange was between Tavo's guy and the Commissioner, but it was the Commissioner who threw out the number when Tavo's guy could not answer her question.

12 hours to move 100k+ people in and out on a 2 lane road is about right. However from the discussion on the Link this is all about getting a maximum contribution from Tavo for the infrastructure improvements.

This is the rough part of the process. Until Tavo has 3 votes, he is going to have to listen to the dribble.
There will have to be road improvements, or all spectators should be shuttled in from remote parking areas. The current two-lane pothole filled windy cow path isn't even adequate for the new subdivisions out there. This is a big issue.
Everyone is agreed major infrastructure improvements will need to be made. Tavo is entering into the "who is going to pay" phase.

Mandingo I will make a crude drawing of what is needed is you can confirm/correct the following:

1. No 130 service road between ElRoy Road and 812;
2. No 130 ramp at McAngus and 130; and 3
3. How many lanes in each direction on Elroy Rd. between Mc Angus and 130?


OK, there is currently no service road between Elroy and 812.

There is no McAngus on/off ramp, but I'm not sure it would be worth the effort and expense to put them there, considering how close it would be to 812. I have also heard people talk about using Moore Road and Pearce Lane as alternate routes and on/off ramps that PD could divert people onto to get everyone into the facility. If they aren't contemplating using these ramps to create at least 4 completely separate routes to at least 4 completely separate entrances, then I'd be surprised.

Elroy is currently 4 lanes + turn lanes between 130 and McAngus, recently upgraded.

BTW, I noticed something watching that video at your link. What was going on in that Court was a bunch of posturing on both sides. Suttle knows good and well that his side has some plans for traffic. They just don't want to tip their hand because they don't want to reveal anything that might let the county or city know what they're willing to pay for those upgrades. The commissioners were trying to get him to tip their hand. Look at the News8Austin video and read Suttle's body language. Does that look like a guy who's the least bit bothered by any of this? That's a guy who has the upper hand and knows it.
Thanks. I have a presentation to finish and over the weekend I will attempt to create a drawing that makes sense.

Yes the entire meeting was about posturing. Tavo's side had to see if the County was going to throw in anything for free; and the County had to see if Tavo was willing to fund basically all infrastrucutre in exchange for a quick permitting process.
You two are ******* awesome, lemme tell ya. I am just reading the back and forths, playing with my chin and saying, "Ah, so!".
As discussed above, the politicians (city, county, state and tollway authority) have started up on Tavo. From my experience of participating in the management of large events, here are some ideas as to the issues facing Tavo. I hope this all makes sense to everyone without a map. I started to work off a map, but got lazy (plus I have a funding request being reviewed this week that I have to revise by midnight so those who count can present it in Monaco Monday morning.)

Water, Sewer and Solid Waste
Fairly easy, the water lines are already being positioned. This is more an issue for the research/office park than the track. However, Tavo will be responsible for implementing (i.e. paying for) the work within the track.

Storm Drains

Again, Tavo will have to build retention pools and all of the drainage within the track area. The county will have to provide the offsite connections (and will attempt to hold Tavo hostage for as long as they can).

Electricity/Communications (telephone, cell phone and internet)

The only break Tavo will get. These providers will do all improvements to distribute their service throughout the property. Kicker will be the hook-up charges for the telephone and internet.


The issue is the parking requirements, not who will pay as this is all for Tavo’s account. The issue for Tavo is how much permanent (i.e. concrete) v. temporary (Tavo says not field which means to me some type of pavestone). The outlying issue is environmental as the tree huggers will want as little concrete as possible.

Anyway, the typical parking space is 9x18 (counting half the driveway). For an estimated 100,000 spectators Tavo will probably have to show around 1 vehicle for every 2 fans (have to account for all of the service and team vehicles). 50,000 spaces equates to almost 200 acres of the facility devoted just to parking.

This will be a big ticket issue, but lately several stadiums have been able to fund parking by establishing “parking companies” and issuing revenue bonds to cover the parking cost. Red’s people should be all over this.


The contentious issue due to cost. At issue (and what will be argued) is public funding for what will be a commercial enterprise. I will go road by road. Unless otherwise specified the number of lanes means the total number – so 4 lanes means 2 in each direction, etc..

FM 812
-- A minimum of 4 lanes from 183 all the way to Highway 21
-- The part between 130 and Elroy 6 lanes divided (see below for the reason)


-- A minimum of 4 lanes from 973 all the way through the property
-- Make a direct connection with 812 at 973
-- Go under new 130 service roads
-- Residents/tenants on Bacon Strip, Towery and Vega will have to be accommodated
-- This will be the road for the service vehicles (shuttles, media, team vehicles) so somewhere there will be a security checkpoint.


-- Build 6 lanes of service road between 812 and Elroy


-- A minimum of 4 lanes from 183 all the way around to 812
-- The part between 130 and 812 6 lanes divided (see below for the reason)


-- A minimum of 4 lanes from Elroy to Highway 21



-- Keep service vehicles and the fans separated.
-- One-way traffic around the perimeter. With the divided perimeter roads divided, the inside lanes can be used for the immediate entry into the property with the outside lanes being allowed to keep moving (the whole key to parking). As those in the outside lanes near their entry point they will move over to the inside lanes. Keep the pattern throughout the event. (Some traffic engineers will say different entry and exit directions. This isn’t the best as it confuses everyone. Learning one way is the easiest.)
-- All employees park off property and are bused in. Not only takes vehicles off the perimeter roads, but it helps with employee security.

The above is just a small part of what has to be accomplished before the race – which is why every day lost now only compounds the timeline issues.

One interesting note: only certified law enforcement personnel can direct traffic on public roads in the State of Texas. The Central Texas law enforcement community is going to be big winners in these events. (However it also means that if you see a guy in the road with just a flag and no uniform, blow past him as he has no police powers.)
The Link

Here's Ben Wear, the Austin American Statesman advocate for toll roads and urban sprawl, no I don't like his stuff, on a gloom and doom forecast for the Austin F1 track traffic jam.
He does state the methodology used to calculate the 12-our traffic jam prediction. He assumes nothing will be done prior to the race. Nothing. I'm guessing that won't be the case, and his column is unnecessarily alarmist.
Thanks Accuratehorn. None of the required permits will be issued without this issue being addressed, but Tavo does need to get in front front of the curve in order to shut-up people like this.

An Army colonel that I worked with for 3 years classified this as "excuse deprevation". If you answer the question before it is asked, it will probably not be asked.
For those who are interested, I have some new photos up from my visit a couple of days ago.

The Link

Also, Wear responded to a couple of posters in the comments section below that article. Interesting exchange there.
Those are great pictures Mandingo; proves you are awsomer! When you went to the first press conference were you given anything with Tavo's contact information?
Gutierrez to Sauber...
The Link
The Link

This could be kind of a big deal, not only for Sauber, but for us here in Austin. It could indicate that TelMex and Carlos Slim are indeed (as has been rumored all summer) going to be the major sponsor for Sauber starting next season. If that's the case, it would be huge for our little race.
Quite a lineup for Singapore...
The Link

Anyone really think with Austin's reputation for live music that some people aren't already thinking of some things along these lines for our event?
I sure hope so. If not already they should after.

I am anxiously awaiting what is going to happen to Karun Chandhok. If Hispania lets him go or he leaves I wonder if the rumors of him going to Force India are true. This would be so massive for him and them. I gravitate towards them over Hispania as they are both underdogs but I like the tenacity of Force. Hispania is crippled by the usual shortcomings of a new team, lack of money and development. Tough to advance and produce.

When I think of WRC I will drink Red Bull. But F1, no way. When I drive I think of my Ferrari. When I wake up I think of my Honda or Toyota.
Great track design, check.
International music scene booked in conjunction with the race weekend, check.
Working on solving traffic logistics, check.
The race only needs one thing to put it over the top-grid girls with chaps! You heard it here first.

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