A concussion is different than diagnosing and treating a muscle or bone injury. For very minor head injuries
the physiology of the brain and its diagnosis is very subjective because there is still much complexity and unkown
about how the brain functions. This in turn causes people to make decisions about playing time in a more
conservative manner. If Wittek is in a position to back up a starting Ash, you can bet that there would be a
decision quicker to pull Ash and put in Wittek at the smallest sign of confusion by Ash.
There is also a "GG syndrome" that the Horn fans suffer from. It is easy to look at Wittek's stats and say. "He's just
another Gilbert." However, to me the situation looks entirely different except that both experienced too high a ratio
of INT/TD because of mental selection where to throw the ball. Half of Wittek's interceptions came in one game when
he had little experience (as a 1st year QB in his second real start} in a game where the winds were above 20 mph.
Wittek has had no serious injuries, and he left because he had no real previous exposure to the type of offense
that new HC Sarkisian wants to install with the no-huddle hurry-up style that puts a lot of pressure on developling
QBs. Wittek is looking for a situation where he can thrive by making better use of his strengths.
I wonder whether those fans who are too quick to compare him to GG will recognize how Gilbert turned things
around until he got hurt again in the last year at SMU. Last year, in terms of passing yards per game, he was
the 4th best QB in the nation. (yes -- he had less competition in that conference) To a Horn fan like me, it would
be a lot of fun to see how coach Watson will develop someone like Wittek on a team with aspirations for a Strong
running game..Wittek would be in a much better situation than a recent USC to develop while in a defense/offense
strategy put in place by Strong/Wickline.