Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Of course they're hiding because 1) there's no guarantee that if they subpoena to get the data that it's actually there 2) No guarantee that they can even get another subpoena to get the material.

If they don't issue another subpeona or file charges doesn't that alone suggest that this was a mole hill? Clearly it wasn't important enough to continue to pursue.

They're buying time because the auditors might never get their hands on the data the longer they can push this out further.

You are convinced there is something nefarious that is being hidden yet haven't found anything yet. That's what keeps the QAnon crowd going. There is always some big reveal around the corner but the "corrupt individuals" (insert XXX complex) is stopping you from getting that information.
The Maricopa Board have refused to turn over the routers, splunk logs, etc. despite being subpoenaed (until the AG stepped in) and now they were caught deleting files off of a subpoenaed machine. When are some of you going to wise up and realize innocent people do not behave like this.

There is a lot of things "innocent people" don't do. For example, they don't scream "stolen election" before they have any evidence. They don't fund their own personal, private audit because they don't like the election results.
There is a lot of things "innocent people" don't do. For example, they don't scream "stolen election" before they have any evidence. They don't fund their own personal, private audit because they don't like the election results.

There were a ton of witnesses and a lot of mathematical improbabilities. If Trump was under investigation and his team was pulling what Maricopa has been doing you, Bubba and Deez would be having seizures and frothing by the mouth by now. Your ideology has become a near religious devotion and no amount of misbehavior from Maricopa will change your narrow mind on anything.
You are convinced there is something nefarious that is being hidden yet haven't found anything yet. That's what keeps the QAnon crowd going. There is always some big reveal around the corner but the "corrupt individuals" (insert XXX complex) is stopping you from getting that information.

I usually come to conclusions of something nefarious when I see groups like Maricopa who keep breaking the law and show every sign of trying to hide evidence. You can take your QAnon BS and you can shove it.
If they don't issue another subpeona or file charges doesn't that alone suggest that this was a mole hill? Clearly it wasn't important enough to continue to pursue.

Maricopa broke election laws. This is not a mole hill.

There's a chance they will and if they do issue a subpoena Maricopa will probably ignore it. Will the AG help them again? Hard to say.

I wish Maricopa would do the right thing and hand it over without the games but that hasn't been their M.O..
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Either Garmel is right and more states audit. Charges come as expected, and justice is served. Freedom restored.
SH is right and we all become peasants to a communist dictator from the CCP. Not referring to Biden. A real dictator not a puppet.
Btw, Maricopa was caught in a another lie. They said they had to "archive" data off the machines to make room for more data for a future election. However, there is PAST election data still on the machine but most of the present data (2020) is gone. You can't make this **** up.

Getting another subpoena from the legislature might be tricky. The republican AZ senate has a 16-14 majority with 2 RINOS who are against this audit. Looks like we'll need help from the AG unless they can get the RINOs to relent.
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If there is nothing wrong or nefarious with the election why not hand over everything? I mean how much wasted time, energy, and money while county officials resist handing over data.

I get audited every year sometimes multiple times and sometimes and when they ask for something I turn it over. Sometimes I even corrected the auditors and tell them this is the data you really want to see.
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If there is nothing wrong or nefarious with the election why not hand over everything? I mean how wasted energy and money while county officials resist handing over data.

I get audited every year sometimes multiple times and sometimes and when they ask for something I turn it over. Sometimes I even corrected them and tell them this the data you really want to see.

What would happen to you if you did what Maricopa has done?
I usually come to conclusions of something nefarious when I see groups like Maricopa who keep breaking the law and show every sign of trying to hide evidence. You can take your QAnon BS and you can shove it.

LOL! You didn't even wait for a legal investigation or charges before you deemed Maricopa County "keep(s) breaking the law". You simply needed the word of a team that claimed fraud before the investigation and were paid $6M of donations from like minded people to find evidence to support their claim. It's clear how quickly you jump to conclusions.
What would happen to you if you did what Maricopa has done?

What would happened if it was an internal audit: Fired immediately or removed from my role to a lessor role.

What would happened if it was a state audit: State would write the company up, refer to enforcement with fines up to 10K a day. Then I would be fired.
LOL! You didn't even wait for a legal investigation or charges before you deemed Maricopa County "keep(s) breaking the law". You simply needed the word of a team that claimed fraud before the investigation and were paid $6M of donations from like minded people to find evidence to support their claim. It's clear how quickly you jump to conclusions.

Refusing to turn over subpoenaed evidence (routers, splunk logs) is breaking the law. Tampering with data on a subpoenaed machine is breaking the law. If I see you drive through a red light I don't need a court to tell me that you broke the law.
There were a ton of witnesses and a lot of mathematical improbabilities.

Witnesses = affidavits, right? Clearly you haven't been following Rudy's and Powell's responses in the Dominion defamation suit where they literally are claiming they can't be expected to verify the claims of individuals. In fact, in a deposition Rudy claimed he'd be a "bad lawyer" if he verified the claims before presenting them. We know from the public hearings in Detroit that the "witness" claims were laughable.

So, you have "mathematical improbabilities" which have been proven over and over and over in local audit and recounts to be faulty analysis from amateur statisticians.

If Trump was under investigation and his team was pulling what Maricopa has been doing you, Bubba and Deez would be having seizures and frothing by the mouth by now. Your ideology has become a near religious devotion and no amount of misbehavior from Maricopa will change your narrow mind on anything.

We don't have to guess. You KNOW my position based on how I responded to the report of Trump malfeasance from that UK PI and the subsequent Mueller investigation. I was consistent that there was smoke but I'd wait for the Mueller investigation to complete before yelling fire. I accepted that there was not enough evidence to make a "collusion" accusation.

Now compare my response to yours. You didn't wait for any legal process to play out. You essentially jumped to conclusions based on the PI report. This is your projection on display.
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If there is nothing wrong or nefarious with the election why not hand over everything? I mean how wasted energy and money while county officials resist handing over data.

I get audited every year sometimes multiple times and sometimes and when they ask for something I turn it over. Sometimes I even corrected them and tell them this the data you really want to see.
The testimony in the oversight committee hearing yesterday was interesting...County officials claimed data withheld because it was not in the subpoena even though it had been ON the machines for which data was subpoenaed. Followed by, of course, lots of "I would have to check" and "I don't recall" and "I don't know" responses...

I have no idea just how much this sort of nonsense impacted the election but it is clear that voting officials do NOT want light being shined on the apparent shenanigans. And the complete lack of transparency should be a concern even to the most libtile of liberal hacks. That it is not is as concerning as the apparent shenanigans themselves...

And before our resident liberal hacks claim this came from press releases with an agenda, it did not. It was actual testimony viewable on CSPAN from the officials themselves...
Feel free to point out where I make stuff up to serve a narrative. In the meantime I'll put the spotlight on you doing the same, deal? Consider it holding each other accountable. you EVEN have reading comprehension skills? It would seem the answer is 'no, SH has no comprehension skills or abilities.'

Go back and see where, in the post to which you had replied, accused YOU of anything. Go ahead, we'll wait...we just won't hold our breath since smurf blue isn't a good color for actual Horn fans. you EVEN have reading comprehension skills? It would seem the answer is 'no, SH has no comprehension skills or abilities.'

What "resident" would you be talking about then? Residency of what....maybe you can link everyone to the claim that of a press release then? Resident Don't blame me for your loose usage of the English language.

Of course, deflection rather than accountability is more the pattern than exception, huh? It's a Trump supporter hallmark.
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What "resident" would you be talking about then? Residency of what....maybe you can link everyone to the claim that of a press release then? Resident Don't blame me for your loose usage of the English language.

Of course, deflection rather than accountability is more the pattern than exception, huh? It's a Trump supporter hallmark.
You and the other libs have been decrying news of the audit as having been partisan in nature and that the releases were inaccurate. I referenced actual testimony which could be observed on CSPAN and which leaves ZERO doubt as to the shenanigans.

I added a caveat that it CAME from CSPAN before any of the resident libtiles could claim it was a biased press release. You instantly pop up faster than a prairie dog in a cartoon claiming some nonsense about me having called you out for something.

There was NO "loose language" or room for interpretation there. It was a very clear cut statement of FACT. Or do you somehow ALSO believe that you are the only resident liberal hack infesting these boards?

Pro-tip: when you get to the bottom of the hole, son, quit digging.
You and the other libs have been decrying news of the audit as having been partisan in nature and that the releases were inaccurate. I referenced actual testimony which could be observed on CSPAN and which leaves ZERO doubt as to the shenanigans.

I added a caveat that it CAME from CSPAN before any of the resident libtiles could claim it was a biased press release. You instantly pop up faster than a prairie dog in a cartoon claiming some nonsense about me having called you out for something.

There was NO "loose language" or room for interpretation there. It was a very clear cut statement of FACT. Or do you somehow ALSO believe that you are the only resident liberal hack infesting these boards?

Pro-tip: when you get to the bottom of the hole, son, quit digging.

That's a lot of words to say that "resident" was a reference to either Bubba or I and you don't have any link to our reference of press releases. So, you created a strawman to target after I responded directly to the linked CSPAN clip. If that's a statement of FACT then I'm compelled to ask where did you get your law degree from?
Just ignore the facts and go with the MSM narrative just like a good lib. We just caught them red-handed deleting election data off a subpoenaed machine. What part of this do you not understand?

Ron Johnson's opinion means nothing.
Just ignore the facts and go with the MSM narrative just like a good lib. We just caught them red-handed deleting election data off a subpoenaed machine. What part of this do you not understand?

Ron Johnson's opinion means nothing.
Yeah, he's only a Republican Senator in a state that saw Biden win and there's a current movement to "stop the steal!" in his state as well. Nothing to see here.
Yeah, he's only a Republican Senator in a state that saw Biden win and there's a current movement to "stop the steal!" in his state as well. Nothing to see here.

I'm going to say this for the 100th time. We caught them deleting election data the day before the machines were handed over to the auditors. Ron Johnson's opinion doesn't change that.

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