250+ Posts
PLEASE stand up and cheer. We have the unique opportunity and are lucky enough to get to play in our home state. Lets be louder than Memphis fans. Lets keep the class that we have but at the same time energize our team. I know we wont be loud the whole game but more throughout the game than we were against Stanford. UNC fans appeared pretty loud against Louisville today and lets show that a big 12 school can be just as loud, we are after all the best conference this year. Same rule that is in football should apply here. Come Early, Be LOUD, Stay Late.
Not rowdy, don’t throw things, but YELL and stand up more and clap more. We are playing in the largest alumni base of the largest and greatest University in the land. Let make Reliant a complete home game for the Horns. If all goes well, we will get to do it again next weekend. Let go HORNFANS! We are on the verge of something very special.
Not rowdy, don’t throw things, but YELL and stand up more and clap more. We are playing in the largest alumni base of the largest and greatest University in the land. Let make Reliant a complete home game for the Horns. If all goes well, we will get to do it again next weekend. Let go HORNFANS! We are on the verge of something very special.