Food Worker Strike

C'mon, everyone of you know paso is right. These people need our help. They need more money. Who are any of you to refuse these people the money they need to survive? I mean when it comes to people who need things; physical, natural, financial, or economic law should be no constraint. We have to raise the minimum wage to whatever level those in need say is "livable" or we are all despicable human beings. If all the fast food places go out of business we will just demand that our banks print more money to give them to keep them open. If they refuse, we can call them names and smugly insult their religious beliefs because that is what people who are correct do. Then we should plant fruit trees in the desert. Because people in the desert need fruit too. Not just us who live where there is rain. And if the desert refuses to keep those trees alive, we will just organize and demand that the desert change. It is our right to have what we need and no desert can tell us otherwise. If the desert disagrees then it must only love itself and clearly hates Jesus.
Here is the deal, minimum wage jobs are, by definition, the lowest valued and skilled jobs in a society. News flash, anyone that is caught in one of these jobs for any length of time is never going to be able to get ahead. Set the minimum wage wherever you want it. $15, $20, $50 whatever. The market will simply adjust. The price of goods and the cost of living will go up equivalently. Then the people making minimum wage will be in the EXACT same position they are in today but will be earning more money. It is a fools game.

By the way, starting teachers make about $15/hour annually. They have college degrees and we entrust them with the education of our children. Makes sense that they should earn the same as a high school drop out flipping fries and burgers.
F' em. Maybe they should find better jobs.......but of course that would mean getting educated, learning skills, finding some ambition, and leaving the government tit.
IF anyone is in a minimum wage fast food job for longer than 6 mons there is something else going on with that worker.
Any even half assed dependable workers gets a raise after first 6 mons.

But ifthat worker always is late or calls in sick a lot or keeps making the same mistake over and over then do they really deserve more than entry level?

Up until obamacare it was pretty easy to work up to a full time shift supervisor in any fast food chain. and from there to ***'t manager etc.
yes the work is hard but the point is NO ONE should stay in an entry level position if they apply themselves and want to advance.
There will be circumstances where an entry level job with some flexibility is what they need.
I have an employee who immigrated to the US from Iran in the late 70's. He had no money, spoke very little English and only had a high school education. He began cooking Mexican food on the Riverwalk and enrolled in a junior college. He is now a medical professional making a 6 figure income.

We need more people with ambition, not picket signs.
Two thoughts to offer:

To negotiate, you have to have something to offer. It helps to negotiate from a position of strength.The hospital, which was once the best managed in the US, was owned by a one man. When a group of nearly 60 of his doctors called for a meeting with the owner to demand he allow them to build an MOB, he responded, "Go ahead. I'll suspend your privileges. South Africa, Australia, Britain, and Canada are full of doctors that will be here Monday morning to replace you". Again, you have to be in a position to negotiate.

More relevant and closer to this, is a situation on the Gulf Coast. Cafeteria workers in a chemical complex went out on strike on July 1, 1964. They still don't have their jobs back. While I don't know what could have been done, and I do feel for the ladies who lost their paychecks, they had no bargaining power even though they were union. From a few of the fast food places I've been to, they can't be very difficult to replace.

Leave you with a quote from Dr Cheney when he taught in the Business School - "If they aren't worth three times what you're paying them, get rid of them and find someone who is".
Sad commentary on the education system that so few people understand how a market works. Perhaps if these workers understood how a market works they would have spent the same level of energy on building a marketable skill set instead of this futile picketing.
The education system lets them "walk" with poor skills, or doesn't care much if they drop out of school. Schools don't encourage personal responsibility, and most don't get it from home, so their only hope is to ***** about the minimum wage. And if doubling it causes them to lose their jobs, then they can go on welfare. All play and no work! The American Dream!
There were people sitting in the same high school classes as these fools that are making big bucks now. They worked hard and got good jobs. These people didn't and have few options other than a crappy minimum wage job. I'm not going to blame the system for people not using it the way it was intended. The system obviously needs changing, but true reform would make it even harder for these slackers, which I'm sure they would also be against.
I chuckled when I heard one of the Texas fast food leaders make the statement that the owners of "these businesses" make billions and they should "share the profits", but I can see that The Lefties on the board aren't chuckling.

If fast food workers were given a $15/hr wage, we'd probably be paying $10 for a burger, which might not be bad; maybe then we'd quit eating them and lose weight.
That, right there. Well, sorta.

I was hoping too that maybe there would be a backlash at the companies if nothing else but just to eat better and be less dependent on fast food. That and to live longer not to mention healthier.

But if that happens it just means more lose their jobs which they are already unhappy with leaving fewer to make less than career money.
The left always opposes government welfare to private schools at the expense of the public school system. FIFY
And working for poverty level wages is not good for anyone.
Paso, Let's just give them a college diploma without them ever attending school. That's not too far off from what you are advocating for.
We don't feed the wildlife in our national parks because they'd become reliant on it and couldn't/wouldn't fend for themselves. why is so much of the U.S. population being fed welfare?
Paso, you are a fool. I hope that you don't really believe the **** you are saying but are just playing devil's advocate. If you do believe it, then answer my earlier question. What have you personally done to help people other than pretend like they are all just "victims" of evil rich people??? My guess is nothing. Pathetic.

Perhaps you should invest all your money to buy a bunch of franchises and pay your workers as much as they think they deserve. Then you can feel good about yourself.
Intentions are all that matter to dems/libs. To hell with the disasterous results of their actions.
You had a case?


The reality is that we (meaning those of us who pay taxes which probably excludes a lot of the the right wingers) all pay for these minimum wage jobs. I subsidize Wall-Mart by letting it pay $8 an hour with no benefits so that its workers can get food stamps, subsidized housing, and AFDC.

We can address this one of two ways (assuming the status quo is unacceptable). We can let these people live on the streets and starve (this appears to be the Republican and "Christian" solution to things) or we can require that these companies pay their employees a "living" wage.

This does not wreck the economy because it removes these workers from the public tit. Do you not understand what Deez is saying? He posts this about once a month and you guys just never get it. His solution is different than mine but we both see this obvious structural problem.

Wall-Mart played the US both with manufacturing jobs and then with labor.

I would compare and contrast Costco and Sam's or Target and Wall-Mart, but this would go right over your head. A company can pay a living wage and make money.

It just takes priorities.
Deez you are correct except you may not be able to become a manager however if you are working at McDonald's for 40 hours a week you can go get another job to supplement tat pay. I know several people who have second job or an at home business to supplement their main job. It sucks but that is the way out of poverty. If we double the minimum wage we very likely are also raising the poverty line in this country.

Working 40 hours a week for minimum wage will never be enough to be considered a living wage.
Get rid of what you call corporate welfare (I'm ok with) but I don't think it will do what you think it will. Businesses aren't going to raise wages or offer insurance to these employees all of the sudden.

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