Flyover on Saturday?

HornAC, we live up here in the hill country and we get to see F16s (tbirds) training daily and nightly. It's a great free airshow! When they kick on the afterburner, you can feel it! The B1 has four of those same engines! We get to see them occasionally.
DOD confirmed that there WILL indeed be a flyover.

Three cruise missiles from the south, traveling at 550 mph, 20 feet over the scoreboard, with a target 372 miles north of Austin.
The best flyover I have ever seen was in Annapolis before the Navy/Air Force game in 1997. I had tickets from a buddy who was a freshman on the Air Force squad and they were really good seats. The only problem was that I was in the Navy, and I was sitting directly in front of four USAF Generals from 1 to 3 stars.

The fly-over started with a flight of four A-6 Intruders. They had the old turbojet engines and were loud as hell, but the generals were not impressed. "Ah, F-16's are louder than that."

Next was a flight of six F/A-18 Hornets. They came over a little lower and a little faster than the previous flight. Still, the generals grumble "That's nothing. F-15's are louder than that."

No sooner had the complaint been logged, a flight of EIGHT F-14 Tomcats comes overhead. As soon as they clear the far end of the stadium, all SIXTEEN engines hit afterburner and they pitch vertical and climb to at least 15,000 feet before shutting it down. I look back and three of the generals have their eyes closed and their hands over their ears. The other is in the fetal position on his seat. Once the "sound of freedom" cleared the air, you everyone stared laughing because about 4,000 car alarms were going off at once, and every dog in Maryland was barking.

I turned to the General who was curled up on the ground and asked him: "Was that loud enough for ya, sir?"

The F16 flyover a few years ago at DKR was incredible. The upper deck of DKR shook. You could see the rivets on the bottom of the planes, that's how low they were.

Lead pilot and his wife were classmates of mine in law school, he left after his first year to join the Air Force. Saw him at a party the year after the flyover. Apparently, he flew a little lower, faster and louder than he was supposed to.

He did a DKR flyover again the following year, not quite as dramatic.
They have flyovers at every Air Force home game here in Colorado Springs. Sometimes they arrive a little early and go on a holding pattern loop around the city before the game starts.

A couple of years ago they had a pair of A-10's which was cool.

My office is a few miles south of the Air Force Academy and we get a good show from the Thunderbirds during graduation week. They have practice a day or two before graduation day and then do their show during graduation ceremony.
I predict a flyover of 15 Cessnas, pulling banners saying "Ticket City," "Shlotzky's," "Sugar's," and "Chris Simms Would Make a Better Running Backs Coach."
I like helicopter flyovers. It's not the speed, it's the massive pounding of the blades thub-thub-thubbing on the low end of human hearing and shaking everything in site as they rumble overhead . . .

Army always does helicopter flyovers when they beat Navy (
) and it kicks ***.
Don't know who suggested this last year, but it would be sweet if during a helicopter flyover, a Blackhawk and it's escort gunships stopped right above midfield and have a guy come down and deliver the game ball.
I saw an F-22 flyover at the 07 Daytona 500. Cool planes but a little underwhelming. The Texas race has had a big old B-52 a couple of times. Pretty cool seeing that old bird. I remember a game at aggy a few years back. I was literally on the top row of their Zone. A big C-5A flew over low and slow. I almost had to duck.
There are Reserve and Air National Guard units flying F-16s from Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston so it could have been any one of them. I loved the F-15 flyover for the 2000 aggy game. They were incorrectly identified as F-14s on AM 1530 the next day.
Navy's flyover for tomorrow

PREGAME FLYOVER: FA-18F Super Hornets from Oceana, Va., will be featured at 3:30 p.m. Piloting the lead aircraft is Lt. Nate Spurr (Class of 2000) and his weapons system officer is Lt. Cmdr. Joe Ruzicka (1996). The wing aircraft is piloted by Lt. Melanie Byrd (2002) and her weapons system officer is Lt. jg. Jessie Grove (2003). The flyover also features two Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets from the Knighthawks of Strike Fighter Squadron 136 out of NAS Oceana. The pilot of the lead aircraft is LT Pete Scheu (2002). The pilot of the wing aircraft is Lt. Ryan Segrest (2004).

The Knighthawks just recently returned from two back-to-back combat deployments with Carrier Air Wing One on board the USS Enterprise. During both deployments, the Knighthawks expended more than 15,000 pounds of ordnance in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.