The best flyover I have ever seen was in Annapolis before the Navy/Air Force game in 1997. I had tickets from a buddy who was a freshman on the Air Force squad and they were really good seats. The only problem was that I was in the Navy, and I was sitting directly in front of four USAF Generals from 1 to 3 stars.
The fly-over started with a flight of four A-6 Intruders. They had the old turbojet engines and were loud as hell, but the generals were not impressed. "Ah, F-16's are louder than that."
Next was a flight of six F/A-18 Hornets. They came over a little lower and a little faster than the previous flight. Still, the generals grumble "That's nothing. F-15's are louder than that."
No sooner had the complaint been logged, a flight of EIGHT F-14 Tomcats comes overhead. As soon as they clear the far end of the stadium, all SIXTEEN engines hit afterburner and they pitch vertical and climb to at least 15,000 feet before shutting it down. I look back and three of the generals have their eyes closed and their hands over their ears. The other is in the fetal position on his seat. Once the "sound of freedom" cleared the air, you everyone stared laughing because about 4,000 car alarms were going off at once, and every dog in Maryland was barking.
I turned to the General who was curled up on the ground and asked him: "Was that loud enough for ya, sir?"