Flight Delays And The Sequester


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Somebody explain to me why, if the sequester was just a REDUCTION OF THE INCREASE in the FAA's budget, 6700 flights per day will now be delayed. Is this just political BS or the FAA blaming its own incompetence on the sequester?

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The sequester came about because both political parties for decades have not come to terms with wasteful spending of one slice of ham or another depending on which part of the pork one's pocket was lined or which part of the brain succumbed to an ideology.

The only long term answer is to man up and end the madness of "wow, wouldn't it be cool to spend some millions on this piece of crap, or that piece of crap" just because some hairbrained idiot thought it up in a moment of euphoric madness.

A Government Mosquito-Fairy infected the population with a mindset that government collected revenue could be made available for "really cool ideas" of any variety the mind could invent -- to go along with the more usual wasted earmarks and porkbarrelling, all made to increase the revenue... the more you can spend, the more you can justify more revenue... so why not spend like hell and get more money... which gives you more money to satisfy the illness of the Mosquito-Fairy disease.
It would be great if someone did some actual random acts of journalism and looked into the FAA's budget to see why a 2 percent "cut" couldn't have gone to other areas of the budget.
The sequester didn't cut enough. It needed to be about 30 or 40 times larger to make a difference, actuarially-speaking. But of course with this tiny, almost inconsequential paring of spending growth, they tried to inconvenience people as much as possible to produce some sort of public outcry in favor of restoring the draconian "cuts."

There's an actual name for this nonsense. It's called the Washington Monument Syndrome. Also, Mount Rushmore Syndrome. Also, firemen first principle. Put the most popular and essential line items on the chopping block, spare the most worthless bureaucrats and non-essential (often duplicative) programs, then dare Congress to be fiscally responsible for once. Typically, Congress blinks and caves. This time, they kinda-sorta didn't. But again, this thing was almost negligible. Practically a rounding error.
The government should get out of it all together. Tell the airlines to hire them or the airports can operate on their own. Either way the government really doesn't need to be in charge of anything but the military. Regulate yes but stay out of running anything.
It WOULD be a good thing except Bo and his ilk including most of medai will blame the Pubs.
nad no matter how many times someone intelligent will explain it all most of the people will hear is BO saying it is the Republican's fault.
Flew to LGA this morning from IAH. We were 15 mins late off the gate and only 10 mins late to NYC. No issues.

I looked at the UA board as I was leaving the terminal, UA seemed to be operating reasonably on time.
My wife works for an airline. If her airline experiences a delay because of air traffic control, they are suppose to read a prepared statement over the P.A. that tells the public that the sequester is to blame for the delay and asks them to go to a website (don't know the url) and voice their displeasure.
The government spending will never be cut, not in our lifetime at least. Simply cannot be done. Spending is too ingrained into the system. The fiasco and reaction to the ridiculous sequester is proof - it cuts NOTHING only reduces (and only slightly) the friggin increase for crying out loud. And you see the reaction - you would think we were going into bankruptcy. Talk to someone honest in gov't employment that has been in the budget process for awhile. They will tell you it cannot be cut, period. They do things like furloughs and yet they spend the same and still get dollars that come in new which they MUST spend. It is a joke saying you ever cut a federal agencies budget. A joke on every taxpayer. Doesn't matter the party either, they have all been corrupted to the system.
The FAA budget AFTER the sequester cuts is more than what BO proposed for the FAA in his budget. I flew from Kona to LA on Tues nite and arrived 15 mins early. Early on the flight from LAX to ATL and same on the flight from ATL to DFW. Let's cut the budget some more if these are a result of budget cuts.

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