Flashback question for FWHORN


Happy Feller
@FWHORN - I tried to start a "Conversation" with you, but the site said it wasn't allowed. Anyway, I recently ran across an old file that sparked a memory and wanted to see if you are a part of that memory....

Years ago, late '90's - early 2000's, before coming to this board, I was a regular on another (now defunct) Longhorn board with a member by the name of FWhorn. Was that you?

If so, do you remember the name of the site? There were guys there like RunRickyRun, Hornicopia, A_L (a pastor). At that time I think I went by BloodOrange. It was a good site with a lot of arguing over Applewhite v Simms. ;)

Anyway, just curious if you were there. Thanks.
When longhorn message boards really got going in the late 90's I was on a bunch including the original Horn Fans that Katy, Bob Wheeler and crew started up and then I was also on Wheeler's site after the split (the name of which escapes me) along with a few others that seemed to come and go. I usually was some combination of FWHORN or FWhorn (since I lived in Fort Worth). I remember many of the names you listed and yes the Applewhite-Simms debate was huge as was the "sunshine pumpers" argument about Mack prior to 2005.
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When longhorn message boards really got going in the late 90's I was on a bunch including the original Horn Fans that Katy, Bob Wheeler and crew started up and then I was also on Wheeler's site after the split (the name of which escapes me) along with a few others that seemed to come and go. I usually was some combination of FWHORN or FWhorn (since I lived in Fort Worth). I remember many of the names you listed and yes the Applewhite-Simms debate was huge as was the "sunshine pumpers" argument about Mack prior to 2005.
Okay, thanks. I wish I could remember the name of the site I was asking about because if I don't, the oceans will rise, worlds will collide, and the universe will implode. It's that important.
LFZ was it. There was another site that would gather all the articles on the web about longhorn sports and provide links, the author ended up killing the site over the Applewhite-Simms debate, I still remember the day the headline on that site announced the formation of HornFans. Back then I got True Orange in the mail every week too. Man that seems like a lifetime ago.
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I remember some of the old days, never was a member of LFZ though
Thanks, D8. You have great recall!

But a terrible toupee...


I still remember the day the headline on that site announced the formation of HornFans.
Wow, cool memory.

Thanks to both of you for helping me out.

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