Fitness Thread

I'm still way too heavy, but I am much more fit than I used to be and 40 pounds lower than my peak weight. My diet is Keto influenced, but includes normal servings of carbs the day of and day before hard exercise. I tried long bike rides while doing kbeto, I'd be exhausted after 15 miles. I'm going to eat a baked potato, bread to go with a lot of meat Friday night before I do the HHH 100K bike ride Saturday. I'll eat and drink all kinds carbs on race day. I won't be a top finisher, but there won't be a lot of guys who weigh 250+ riding hybrids ahead of me.
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A grain-free diet could improve the mental health of many and be a complete cure for others. Association between gut problems and mental illness has been known for 2000 years.

Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease
The “healthy whole grains” narrative is a myth. There is nothing essential or healthy about grains.

Personally I suggest trying a mostly pure carnivore diet. For the last several months I’ve been loading up on meat and eggs and very little else. The results have been amazing.
Dion, any fruits? And may I ask your exercise regiment?
I’ve had some summer peaches lately because I can’t resist them, but otherwise no fruit, rarely any veggies. After being on a keto regimen for five years I wanted to experiment with carnivory and it has been really good. Plus I love beef, eggs, and bacon and don’t get tired of it.

I lift about every third day for 30 minutes or so, work to failure. Also some yoga, mostly just simple stretches for flexibility. I have never felt better or had so much energy.
Cool. I told my wife about your diet and she said she's heard wonderful things about, so we're going for it.

I'm not that extremely out of shape but it gets harder each year to shed the pounds that used to come off after a couple of intense workouts.

Wish us luck! :hookem:
Any dairy? As in butter to cook eggs and meat?
Lots of butter, we like Kerrygold. I blend coconut oil in my coffee every morning with heavy full-fat cream. Energy for hours.
Cool. I told my wife about your diet and she said she's heard wonderful things about, so we're going for it.
I'm not that extremely out of shape but it gets harder each year to shed the pounds that used to come off after a couple of intense workouts.
Exercise is great but real weight loss happens in the kitchen. I saw the pounds melt away quickly when I ditched sugar, starches and grains. Effortless weight loss, increased energy, mental clarity, better moods.

In my experience, protein and fat is dietary magic.
I saw the pounds melt away quickly when I ditched sugar, starches and grains.

Those are evil! True evil! A doc suggested a couple years ago to eliminate processed sugars (fruit was ok), all starches and white grains. I tried to go cold turkey on all three and about three to four weeks in I felt like I wanted to kill someone. I was constantly irritated and pissed off so I found a whole dark grain mix to cook which I substituted for starches, rice, etc for a few months then I unfortunately slipped back into my routine.

During that time I lost about 30 pounds so I agree, it works and those things are unnecessary. I always thought it was a mental thing but thinking back I believe my body was revolting when I stopped eating them. Speaking of all this, I really need to get back on the wagon.
I believe my body was revolting when I stopped eating them
I have heard from a lot of folks that this is pretty common when you quit carbs. It’s been referred to as “keto flu” because you can feel crummy for a couple of days. Tapering off might be a way to mitigate this.

What's happening is the body is transitioning from burning sugar (glucose) for energy to burning fat. This happened with my son a couple of years ago. It passed pretty quickly and his weight began dropping. He lost 60 pounds in less than a year by eating almost nothing but meat.
This is the result of the US Dietary Guidelines that started promoting low fat & high carb (eat yer healthy graaaiiinnns!). Incompetent dumb asses.

Q for all you guys who read a lot on this stuff: what's wrong with the very old-fashioned advice to just "eat a well-balanced diet"?
Chop: If you are healthy on a traditional well balanced diet, it's fine. But for those like me who are carb sensitive, eating regular servings of bread, potatoes and sweets means I get an insulin spike, calories stored in fat and feel hungry too soon.
I finished Hotter Hell HundredK Saturday 1:12 pm about 5 3/4 hours after we started riding. Set no speed records but maintained a respectable pace. Rest stops every 10 miles had pickles, pickle juice, sports drinks, banana and cold water. I didn't skip a rest stop. but didn't linger much beyond refueling and rehydrating. Something worked. Though exhausted at the finish I had no cramps or lingering muscle soreness.
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Pretty tired, but not in pain. I had to get up at 3:30 to get my race packet ... Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep Friday. Lord knows I got plenty Saturday, snoozing through most of the Cowboys game and all through the night. My legs don't feel strong today, but otherwise nothing lingering.
Lots of butter, we like Kerrygold. I blend coconut oil in my coffee every morning with heavy full-fat cream. Energy for hours.

Exercise is great but real weight loss happens in the kitchen. I saw the pounds melt away quickly when I ditched sugar, starches and grains. Effortless weight loss, increased energy, mental clarity, better moods.

In my experience, protein and fat is dietary magic.
Exercise just makes you eat more to make up for the burned calories. Exercise is exercise and diet is key to weight loss. They are not the same and each have different purposes.
I'm still way too heavy, but I am much more fit than I used to be and 40 pounds lower than my peak weight. My diet is Keto influenced, but includes normal servings of carbs the day of and day before hard exercise. I tried long bike rides while doing kbeto, I'd be exhausted after 15 miles. I'm going to eat a baked potato, bread to go with a lot of meat Friday night before I do the HHH 100K bike ride Saturday. I'll eat and drink all kinds carbs on race day. I won't be a top finisher, but there won't be a lot of guys who weigh 250+ riding hybrids ahead of me.
I read that a cheeseburger with fries from a fast food chain is good energy for a bike or running exercise. Balance of carbs, protein and fat.
Exercise just makes you eat more to make up for the burned calories.
One common bit of weight loss advice I’ve heard from MDs is “just eat less and exercise more” — ok, so what happens when you eat less? You’re hungry all the time! And when you add exercise on top of that? Now you’re exhausted and starving!

Tired, hungry and miserable is not sustainable, that’s why nobody can do it for long. But the medical schools teach “nutrition” based on the US dietary guidelines, the pharmaceutical companies incentivize treatment of symptoms ($), and they call this the “standard of care.”
Exercise just makes you eat more to make up for the burned calories. Exercise is exercise and diet is key to weight loss. They are not the same and each have different purposes.

I'm confused. You dont think burning more calories than you eat thru exercise will help weight loss? A good diet is mandatory, but burning more calories will definitely speed things up as long as you arent eating as many as you burn.
Vol: It all comes down to chemistry, which varies by person. The issue is that exercise makes you tired and the energy from carbs is only temporarily satiating and your body is crying for food. Some have the willpower for months at a time to ignore the urge to eat, but to stay at a healthy weight long term you have to find a way to keep hunger at bay. Keto works for some of us.
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to stay at a healthy weight long term you have to find a way to keep hunger at bay. Keto works for some of us.
Exactly my experience. I find protein and fat to be highly satiating and I can easily get by on one big meal a day.

Carbs tend to promote hunger and fat storage because it keeps insulin levels high, and elevated insulin inhibits fat mobilization for energy.

Feed yourself properly and calories become irrelevant.
I try to stay off carbs. I do like exercise though. My favorite is mountain bike riding. Keeps me cool on hot days. But any good cardiovascular exercise is great. I agree with Dion on the low carb diet. He is just better at it than I am.
I'm confused. You dont think burning more calories than you eat thru exercise will help weight loss? A good diet is mandatory, but burning more calories will definitely speed things up as long as you arent eating as many as you burn.

I won't openly disagree w/ anyone here, but here's my take

The more calories I burn the more I need to replace. The key is good calories. Eliminate starches, bread, sugars (my vice is diet dr peppers)

imo, veggies are necessary, fruits as well. I tried the paleo thing for awhile, saw some good but my body needed more fresh vegs. Fruit is natures candy, just one a day. Maybe two. But lean cuts of meat is a must

I'm in my mid 60s and semi retired so I have the time to workout quite a bit + get in the yard in the spring and summers. I burn a lot of energy, so I intake a lot more protein than most my size (58-180) and age. A protein shake a day at 25g helps rebuild what I tear down. I lift 7 days a week, moderate weight. Not in it for the hulk effect by any means but I'm bigger than most dudes my age w/ a 34" waist.

Summers I'll lift twice a day..., winters once a day and add a 40 minute spin bike ride or on the ski machine 3x a week (summertime the sun drains my energy to do more aerobic)

To me, the #1 key is the eating habit. Find what works for your energy level needs. Then add a workout plan and stick to it. Everything should be geared to health and fitness. I think some discount the fitness aspect too much. Later in life you need both
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My 12 year old son just walked up to me and handed me a piece of paper (contract).

Luke Angelo and Papi will not drink sodas in 2020.

I had to sign it. :hookem:

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