Fish heated in a microwave is not just smelty, but falls apart - it probably fell off of her fork and ended up in telapia. You could volunteer to help clean her up, but you would just be accused of being a grouper.
Any way you look at it, heating fish in a microwave at work is really an abortion - kind of like roe vs. wading. But don't let her flounder - remind her that there is more than chicken in the sea.
She will most likely want to thank you, but remember that saucy cocktails after work can lead to hooking up. Don't let her reel you in! Trout out your best lines, tell her a whale of a story, but avoid her tackle at all cost. Remember how this thread started - overnight guests are like fish - both start to smelt after 3 days. Flipper out of there as soon as you can. Keep her around too long, and she will just scallop your wallet. By Cod, I swear you will be better off swimming against the stream, and going with a catch and release routine. Throw her back in the pool and let some other clownfish nibble at that bait.
Actually, you are probably better off not baiting your line at all - but if you decide to go fishing, at least wear a life jacket!