And on an individual level, I agree, and if Huckabee were Joe Blow, I'd tell people to get a life and grow a skin.
But he's dealing with a national audience, which as you say, has a wide range of responses to comments like that. He has to know that by now. It's not about what's right or wrong, it's about what's smart and what's useful and what's respectful. If he manages to NOT bring up a North Korean dog-eating chef, is that going to offend anyone? it would have been pretty easy for him to say what he needed to say and only offend the people who disagree with the point he's trying to make.
It's just more noise in the message, and right or wrong, that noise is always going to be a factor and you have to manage it. Is it "right" that when I go to Japan, there are certain things that I may do without thinking that people are going to find offensive, so I am expected to modify my behavior, while they're not expected to modify theirs? It's irrelevant - because that's the way it is. Telling them that they're being overly sensitive is not going to change that. Same in this case - just make your point and know your audience.
Ultimately, what's more important? Making a "funny" comment? Or getting a conservative message across to as many people as possible and building a national coalition around values that a large portion of Americans across nationalities share?