He will forever be the symbol of national dignity, someone who is always aligned with the oppressed and all those who fight for their emancipation.
Update of Documented Cases
January 25, 2012
-Work in Progress-
Total documented cases to date: 10,500
Batista regime: March 10, 1952 – December 31, 1958
Including combat
Deaths & disappearances attributed to the Batista regime 1245
Deaths & disappearances attributed to actions against the Batista regime 387
Deaths & disappearances attributed to accidents (anti-Batista forces) 5
Deaths & disappearances of uncertain attribution 47
Castro regime: January 1, 1959 - Present
Deaths & disappearances attributed to the Cuban state
Executions by firing squad 3615
Extrajudicial killings 1253
Disappearances (most presumed in exit attempts) 138
Political prisoners in hunger strikes 13
By medical negligence / denial of medical care - in prison 254
Suicides of a political nature, mostly in prison 136
Accidents / Unintentional (mostly in prison, resulting from negligence) 99
By terrorist attack or attack on civilians overseas 8
Other deaths of a political nature 54
Deaths or disappearances for undetermined causes 198
Deaths in exit attempts:
By drowning, dehydration, etc. 132
Missing or disappeared 968
Combat fatalities or Missing in Action 1007
Deaths & disappearances in actions against the Cuban state
Non-combat 289
Combat fatalities or Missing in Action 227
Deaths & disappearances by Armed Forces of other countries 28
Deaths & disappearances attributed to others 83
Deaths & disappearances of undetermined attribution 131
TOTAL 10500
Source: Database of Documented Cases, www.CubaArchive.org/database/
Cuba Archive - Free Society Project / P.O. Box 529 / Summit, NJ 07902 U.S.A.
info@CubaArchive.org / Tel. (973)701-0520 / Fax (973)701-0521
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