Fidel dead

He will forever be the symbol of national dignity, someone who is always aligned with the oppressed and all those who fight for their emancipation.

Update of Documented Cases

January 25, 2012

-Work in Progress-

Total documented cases to date: 10,500

Batista regime: March 10, 1952 – December 31, 1958

Including combat

Deaths & disappearances attributed to the Batista regime 1245

Deaths & disappearances attributed to actions against the Batista regime 387

Deaths & disappearances attributed to accidents (anti-Batista forces) 5

Deaths & disappearances of uncertain attribution 47


Castro regime: January 1, 1959 - Present

Deaths & disappearances attributed to the Cuban state

Executions by firing squad 3615

Extrajudicial killings 1253

Disappearances (most presumed in exit attempts) 138

Political prisoners in hunger strikes 13

By medical negligence / denial of medical care - in prison 254

Suicides of a political nature, mostly in prison 136

Accidents / Unintentional (mostly in prison, resulting from negligence) 99

By terrorist attack or attack on civilians overseas 8

Other deaths of a political nature 54

Deaths or disappearances for undetermined causes 198

Deaths in exit attempts:

By drowning, dehydration, etc. 132

Missing or disappeared 968

Combat fatalities or Missing in Action 1007


Deaths & disappearances in actions against the Cuban state

Non-combat 289

Combat fatalities or Missing in Action 227

Deaths & disappearances by Armed Forces of other countries 28


Deaths & disappearances attributed to others

Deaths & disappearances of undetermined attribution 131


TOTAL 10500

Source: Database of Documented Cases,

Cuba Archive - Free Society Project / P.O. Box 529 / Summit, NJ 07902 U.S.A. / Tel. (973)701-0520 / Fax (973)701-0521

All rights reserved, Free Society Project, 2012.

This material may be reproduced and circulated as long as its source is credited.
Whenever there is a revolution or a coup - not a peaceful change in power such as an election although sometimes even an election provides a trigger - there is always the possibility of a counterrevolution or civil war. There is also the possibility of secession. In order to retain power, the new regime must eliminate those threats. This generally requires brutal repression. Three examples with more harsh consequences than Castro's Cuba
1. Russia's Bolshevek Revolution - Revolution
2. Ukraine - the Maidan coup
3. United States - Lincoln's election
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Whenever there is a revolution or a coup - not a peaceful change in power such as an election although sometimes even an election provides a trigger - there is always the possibility of a counterrevolution or civil war. There is also the possibility of secession. In order to retain power, the new regime must eliminate those threats. This generally requires brutal repression. Three examples:
1. Russia's Bolshevek Revolution - Revolution
2. Ukraine - the Maidan coup
3. United States - Lincoln's election

Free election is "slightly different" than a coup, and the justification to quell a rebellion under the two scenarios is vastly different.

The Castro regime certainly instituted brutal repression for the last 57 years in order to "eliminate those threats", and there is no sign that it will mitigate going forward.
Free election is "slightly different" than a coup, and the justification to quell a rebellion under the two scenarios is vastly different.

The Castro regime certainly instituted brutal repression for the last 57 years in order to "eliminate those threats", and there is no sign that it will mitigate going forward.
In the case of Lincoln's election, the result was unacceptable to the Southern states and they withdrew. The US Government saw this as a threat to its power and brutally put down the "Rebels" resulting in tens of thousands of deaths. Many objective observers would rate the US Civil War far more repressive in terms of brutality than Castro's firing squads of which he considered the murdered victims as traitors.
In the case of Lincoln's election, the result was unacceptable to the Southern states and they withdrew. The US Government saw this as a threat to its power and brutally put down the "Rebels" resulting in tens of thousands of deaths. Many objective observers would rate the US Civil War far more repressive in terms of brutality than Castro's firing squads of which he considered the murdered victims as traitors.
As I stated:

Free election is "slightly different" than a coup, and the justification to quell a rebellion under the two scenarios is vastly different.
I remember my Dad saying that Eisenhower should send the Marines into Cuba to put down Castro under the Monroe doctrine back in '58. He, a WW2 vet, didn't want no stinkin' communist country just off our shoreline.

Eisenhower didn't, of course, and the result was nearly catastrophic in 1963. Glad the old fool is dead. I hope and think that Trump will take a much harder line with Cuba than Obama.
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I noticed that the flags at Ramstein Air Base are at half mast. I don't know if it's for Castro, but I don't know of any other reason.
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Christian: I don't wana bake a cake for ur wedding
Left: Nazi bigot!

*Castro sends gays to forced labor camps*
Left: free healthcare tho
Wow, it is just mind-boggling that an educated person would romanticize this blood thirsty tyrant. Just another reminder that knowledge and education do not always result in wisdom.

To the hard Left, the ends justify the means. Stein doesn't care if Castro butchered innocent people. He did it in the name of her ideology, and that's all that matters to her.
Ben Rhodes + Ambassador Jeffrey DeLaurentis and the US Embassy Chief of Mission in Havana

Brutal dictator Castro: 2
Convenience store robber: 3
Justice Scalia: 0

ps -- If you forgot who Ben Rhodes is, he is the one who admitted defrauding the public on Obama's Iran deal -- “The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal....”

So, maybe the Cubans will just let him stay there
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