< 25 Posts
I'm 5'9 195, but have pretty broad shoulders and alot of muscle, but I also am flabby in my chest, neck, and stomach. If I want to drop about 20 pounds, isn't it better to do the Atkins for like 2 or 3 weeks, so that ketosis will kick in and burn the stored fat. Once I get that started and get down to 175, then I will get off and start a more balanced healthy diet, by adding more breads, rice, and good carbs. Is that a good idea? I know that dropping weight "more naturally" is by a low calorie, low fat diet will be healthier, but that will take longer and only drop 4 or 5 pounds per month. Is there a diet that is better for dropping body fat and getting more cut vs. dropping pure weight? Can some health nutricionist help me with a diet plan and exercise plan? I usually jog/walk 10-12 miles per week and I don't consume much sugar, but do cheat with fast food once or twice a week. Any help is appreciated.