Far West Apartments


< 25 Posts
Which apartments are the best, the worst, thoughts? I live in the Arboretum now but the bus is a ***** and drive during rush hour is ridiculous. The FW shuttle and shorter use of Mopac will be a dream.
Like I said on the Riverside Apts. thread, PM me and I can tell you anything you want to know about that area. And I can help you find the best deals, too.
Savannah is incredibly nice and great prices. It's on Hart lane, 3rd stop on the Far West bus stop. I got my 750 sqare foot 1 bedroom for $600. Unfortunately, that's the only 1 bedroom plan, so it's not dirt cheap, but it's a huge place.
Avoid Greystone Park apartments like the plague. The Ridge is somewhat ok but floods easily. Savannah is a probably the best property off of Far West but small only three buildings of apartments.
I used to live at Oak Ridge. Not bad, & if you get an apartment on the top floor looking out towards the hill country, it is pretty nice. The pool is not great, but the apartment was fine & very convienent.
Also, negotiate your rent. I think they still need people badly.
thanks for the input, i'm moving to savannah... the ugliest set of apartments on the outside but pretty nice when you get in.
that was her, she was wearing a low cut shirt when we signed. not too bad. we don't know where the apartment will be since it's a pre-lease, but our first choice is looking over the ridge. i really think it's a good deal for the place.