Fake Army is Real Army's Super Bowl


25+ Posts
user level: Veteran posted 6:37p, 09/27/08this user's public profilesend private message to useredit this replyobject to this reply

Face it, this is Army's Super Bowl. Like a lot of teams, they are going to play their best game against A&M. The Ags took their best shot, shook it off, and came back firing to win. How many other teams would have folded under the Army attack today? I know there are not 20 teams in the country that could have come back today and won like A&M did! You can take that to the bank! So haters go hate a losing team, this Aggie team is winning and winning games that most teams lose!
There aren't 20 teams in the country who would have gotten themselves into a close game with Army.
You would think that fake army would tradiditionally allow REAL ARMY the classy win by taking a knee, etc. But fake army is not classy.
Their Super Bowl, huh?

Gee, maybe if Army had an end-of-season game played at a neutral site that is nationally televised by one of the major networks then that could be their Super Bowl.

Anyone have any ideas?
Before the season started, I predicted aggy would go 5-7. I won't change that now. However, I think there is a better chance they go 4-8 than 6-6.

Aggy is currently 2-2, and the rest of their schedule is as follows:

@ (21) OSU - Will mostly likely be a L and will probably be big. OSU has a very potent offense - L
KSU - KSU's offense is inconsistent and their D doesn't do a whole lot for me. Game is in CS and is a coin flip in my eyes. However, I will give aggy the benefit of the doubt - W
Tech - Beat down - L
@ ISU - There are no gimmies for this aggy team. But even though the game is in Ames, aggy should find a way to beat this bad team - W
CU - On paper, CU is a better team. I just don't like how the Buffs play on the road. True coin flip - W/L
OU - Beat down - L
@ Baylor - Game is in Waco and I honestly think BU is the better team. This is the Bears' Super Bowl - L
@ Texas - Beat down - L

That is 4-8/5-7 there my friends.
But the real qiestion is....How many times tomorrow at work will each one of us have to listen to aggy tell us how impressed the real Army was with aggy traditions and how each one of them wished they had gone to aggy instead of West Point!!!!
Mike Sherman's take on the epic victory:

"We had to take a big step today. It didn't matter if we were playing Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, the Dallas Cowboys. We had to take a big step."