Fajita Help?

I stopped using skirt for fajitas almost completely. They're still fine if you're ready to trim the hell out of them. I would switch to flank or a sirloin flap cut, which is seriously tender.

And to re-iterate some previous posts, the cutting of the meat is almost as important as the cooking...almost.
Can someone provide a little more explanation on butterflying the skirt. Pictures would be nice next time someone grills some up.
Butterflying the skirt is simply spliting the meat in half.

A fajita is covered with a skin, the skin is peeled and what you get is a piece of meat about 1.5 inches thick. By butterflying the meat you are simply laying the meat on a cutting board, take a knife and start at on end dividing the cut into two pieces down the middle.

I strongly suggest asking you butcher to do it, you can cut yourself very easy if you dont pay attention to the knife blade.

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