Face value

"Just to show Skelton who he was dealing with, Peewee Knowles wrote out a check for a thousand dollars and lit his cigar with it."
Thomas McGuane - 92 in the Shade
At what point is UT going to start putting varying values on the face value? I mean, should the face of the NEZ upper deck be the same as the 50 yard line west side upper deck? I realize that you cannot get lower deck west side seats for anything less than $10K donation for 2 likely but why isn't the face value more as well?

That's another reason why the face value is an arbitrary number.

The true cost of the ticket = face + donation. I'm assuming they keep the face for lower deck west sides well below their actual cost/market value so that season ticket holders can legally tax deduct the majority of the cost.
Well, aside from the folks who are grandfathered in, your donation level determines your priority. So Belmont is already effectively applying price discrimination based on the quality of the view, and consequently there's no need for a difference in face value. As has already been pointed out numerous times, the Market determines the price when tickets are sold on the secondary market, so the face value is irrelevant.

(And yes, I do realize that the statement above is yet another argument that the face value is indeed arbitrary...

Since this is still Esther's Foliies, I'll just say that I do indeed understand the pet peeve of the OP. But, what are you gonna do? What I choose to do, is to have some extra elbow room, or at the very least, some room for my principles!

And yup, I used up 9 crisp $100 bills for my morning "throne time" today. It didn't feel that pleasant, but it's the priniple of the thing...
no need to be friends w/ him, he sucks (just kiddin, i dont know you obviously)... but really, ou tix are already down to 140-150 from ticket city. face is 95 on em (not to mention getting them before gameday means you get into the fair 'for free'... entrance costs 15$.
I think the OP is really just pissed because he feels like a sucker for paying so much for tickets when he sees other people getting in on the cheap. I've paid above face once and that was Ricky's record breaker. Unless the game is that monumental, you can ALWAYS find tickets on gameday for less. Usually much less. I paid ten bucks for my Rice ticket for instance. And I've even paid under face twice for TX/OU at the fairgrounds. It's all about supply and demand. (And guilting people into not selling to a scalper.)

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