F the following:

the seat belt law
government employees on power trips
bouncers on power trips
everybody at the local bar
cold weather
everyone on the East coast

and F OU.
Fat people on motorized carts at the grocery store going slow or not moving, but you can't get around them because they take up the whole f-ing aisle.

Pac-10 Homers
1) Computer driven telephone "service centers". They have you punching buttons like a crazy person, but are incorrectly set up for YOUR problem, and never let you talk to a human.

2) Service center sites on the internet from companies that are billing me, but have no "contact us" information!! (in other words, "don't even TRY to contact us!").

Obese people who put themselves in wheelchairs and get ******* snotty about it.

People who drive way, way, way tougher than they are face-to-face.

Stupid, inconsiderate parents (and the children they raise).

The ***** in Cancun on Spring Break 20 years ago who totally cock-blocked me because her boyfriend had just dumped her so there was no way she was going to let her way-too-hot-for-Ignatius friend shack up with me.
Microsoft Word and the fact that we are all stuck with an inferior word processing software when better alternatives exist
People who produce more offspring than they can handle raising
People who aren't willing to share the road with a bike
Anyone with a "you owe me something" attitude
Being sick
Construction projects that take longer than projected
People who think obese people should be given a wheelchair, scooter, or handicapped parking space at all (walking a little might help fix the problem, dipshits)

people who are in the right hand lane at a red light but don't turn right on red
people who have herpes at a red light but don't turn right on red

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