European trip's on!!

I went to a Nazi concentration camp outside of Munich in 1998 -- Dachau. It was definitely a somber experience, knowing that so many innocent people died there.

Never forget!
video of their last game.
Looks like really good execution. Iirc, Coach G said both post players had double doubles. Nice to see so many players scoring—from outside, on drives, passes inside, etc. I really liked seeing the pass from, I think, Chassidy to Chelsea who touch passed it inside to Cokie for a layup.

Glass Factory video.
Can’t believe they went to eat at a pizzeria and no one ate a pizza!
This is by far the most impressive video i've seen, Im even more anxious for the season after seeing that. I''ve always said to anyone who will listen to me talk about texas bball, that if AG could have a transformation like that of danielle wilson at baylor a few years back then we would be a force. I liked her toughness and concentration in this video. If she finishes even just the little bunnies that she will get off of offensive rebounds, then she will be the perfect compliment to the power and scoring ability of cokie. I was asked why Im I so optimistic about GG and this year, and my response was "when you have two 6'4 players in the starting lineup, its hard not to think your going to win"
While I recognize your optimism UTFann, I have to point out that the videos showing the new team thus far are just "highlights" and can be spun to appear to make them look good, even great. I guess that saying "give them the benefit of the doubt" should apply here, even after last year's step back campaign. An 88-80 victory over the last team was a bit "close". Either the opponent was that good or Texas struggled to put away the opponent. (yeah yeah Babhorn, glass half empty.)

I agree, utfann, Cokie and AG look great and I think we'll see them together quite a bit, or I hope so anyway. I realize each has to back the other up so we're not going to see them together all the time, but they contribute different things and really compliment one another, so I hope they're on the floor together when it's possible, or makes sense during a game. And I really don't understand the comment about the video being just "highlights." They're highlights, period, so of course they're going to show shots dropping and plays that fans would like to see. The same is true for any college website video, or recap on any sports broadcast for that matter. We all enjoyed seeing the team in action so why make a negative comment about it. These are August scrimmages that don't mean a thing, except that we get an early peak at the team ,and get to see the newcomers in action for the first time.
Seattle I thought about that as well, but if you go back through any of the highlights from last year I doubt you'll find any where AG looked that impressive. Even in our few blowout victories. And that's also where I rely on my own personal basketball knowledge and coaching ability to be able to know the difference between dominating an inferior opponent and having made significant improvement. Again it's just my opinion but I saw moves and a confidence about her that she's never had in her arsenal. I believe we may be starting to see the effects of coach Huey.
You keep saying it, at every opportunity and even when the posts have nothing to do with what you contribute. And I don't agree, nor do most fans, which seems to bother you even more. The fact is I am very happy with Coach G and her staff, and excited about the future and team we have in place.
Seattle again. If the first 2 years didn't meet your expectations, then your expectations were simply too high. Sometimes you have to realize that just because we're Texas doesn't mean were at the top. Even powerhouses have to be rebuilt.
The last team in the tour was the toughest team, which is good. Thats what they went there for. Not going to lie, I enjoyed the videos a lot. Lot like the new is paying off. AG look good. But there were so many players doing thing in the month August, that you would not expect. I seen sum passing that was Outstanding. This will be a Special year for Texas. And C.Reed look good. B.Sanders will be Special!
okay, guess I forgot to post this earlier:

last day video at Schonbrunn Palace and Prater Amusement Park.

It starts off with a bang, showing the team going through a weight training session. Love Edwina’s tee shirt with the slogan: No Fear, No Excuses, No Regrets.

Looked like a really nice water park with lots of amusement rides. I remember bumper cars well.
The ferris wheel looked like train cars. Looks like they had a lot of fun at Prater.
Utfan…..can you explain a little of what you believe you see in this video? I am NOT a coach. It has always seemed to me that the problems AG had scoring resulted from not having a softnatural shooters touch, and a very unconventional release…rather than rolling the ball off of her fingers it often looks more like a two handed release. Sometimes even releasing the ball from below her shoulders. I always thought she had the athleticism for almost “dream shake” type moves but that even when she gets the ball on the rim it tends to come back out because of her release. I thought I saw progress early last season, in particular around the Tennessee game. But, then mostly she seemed to revert to past habits.

I love to watch AG. She is a great athlete and does many things well. I would love to see her develop a scoring touch and I want you to be right. Like I said, I am no coach. I didn’t see anything different in that video that looked like it would lead to consistent scoring. I would love for you to explain more of what you are looking at….because I really want to believe.
Outlook....well the first thing I see is her confidence in the few moves to the basket. Take that offensive rebound and spinning hook shot put back that she had in the final game. She never even looked at the net to see if it went in. She just ran back on defense, that let's me know that it's something she's practiced countless times and a move that she believes in. I also see her shot as being a lot softer. And to me her focus just looks a lot better. She has her eyes on the rim and appears to be extremely patient. That just my opinion of course
Thanks. Patience, confidence, and a softer shot I think would make a huge difference. I think this team should be much improved even if we get the scoring AG provided last season. But, if she could become a consistent scorer it would be huge. I think she works very hard but also believe she is capable of more offensively than she has accomplished so far and I’ll be pulling for her.
Obviously it's an August scrimmage so not the best indicator perhaps, but it was great to hear that both Cokie and AG got double-doubles. The last team they faced was the best, tallest and most physical of the opponents on the trip, so double-digit scoring for AG is a good sign. One thing I keep thinking about is the fact we beat Baylor, and Griner, the two times were faced them in 2009. Cokie was a freshman and AG a soph, and no question Ashley is a much better player today than she was then. With both in the lineup again I'm hoping that bodes well for the upcoming season. I don't think Nneka played on the trip, or if she did I missed her on the videos. I doubt it's anything too serious because she wouldn't have made the trip if she had a major injury...the coaches and staff are probably just being cautious. All of the other newcomers looked great, though, so I can't wait to see Nneka in action for the first time.
Its going to be a exciting season. Interested in seeing more of the new players. R.Majors,B.Sanders,Nneka,C.Peoples and K.Brewer which I hear is showing out in practice. Along with C.Fussell and A.Hartung.C.Bass,T.Moore,AG, C.Reed and the leadership from Y.Anderson

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